Civitas Monthly Review No. #15

Asamael | therapissed
Published in
6 min readAug 9, 2023

Well, hello there, fam! 🎉 Just like how every superhero movie gets a sequel, here we are, back with our monthly review. Grab your popcorn (or your preferred snack — we’re not judging) as we roll the highlights reel of July. Buckle up, and let’s time-travel through the past 30-ish days!

July kicked off with a good laugh, and we hope it got you chuckling too! Starting the month with a joke doesn’t mean we spent all our time goofing off. Nope! We mixed our giggles with some serious hustle, showing everyone that you can totally have a blast and still nail it in everything you do. So, while we had our fun moments, the team made sure we crushed our goals and sprinkled a little fun into every task we tackled.


Did you spot our cheeky ‘Art Leak Teasers’ popping up every Tuesday this past July? We seriously had a ball dropping those little hints your way. It was like playing a fun game of hide and seek with art! Did they tickle your curiosity? We hope so!

But hey, if you thought those teasers were fun, hold onto your hats because we’re just revving up the engines. That was just a warm-up! We’ve got a whole lineup of exciting sneak peeks ready to roll out. So keep those eyes peeled and stay ready for more teasing!


So, after all that teasing, what’s next on the menu? You guessed it — the big reveal! Okay, “leaking” might sound a bit mischievous, but that’s just how we roll sometimes. It’s all part of the fun, right? We’re just too excited to keep all these goodies to ourselves.

And guess what? It’s not just about the thrill of the reveal. Every art leak is a shiny badge of honor, showcasing all the hard work and creativity bubbling away at Civitas.

Now, enough with the words, right? Below, you’ll spot some of the art leaks we’ve been chattering about. But here’s the twist: We want to hear from YOU. Which piece gets your vote for “Most Intriguing”? Or maybe there’s one that just screams “Total Showstopper”?

Prehistoric Era Leather Works
Stone Works
Forager Camp
Basic Male Worker (Sketches)

So, while we’re having a laugh with the teasing and leaking, know that it’s also our way of saying, “Look at the cool stuff we’re doing!” Stay tuned, there’s plenty more where that came from!

The Víkingur’s Coming

Drumroll, please… Someone has just struck gold! That’s right, one lucky adventurer is packing their bags for a free trip to Iceland — the land of stunning geysers, magical northern lights, and, of course, our cool Civitas HQ.

And while Iceland’s beauty is a showstopper on its own, the real cherry on top? Our winner gets an all-access pass to our Civitas headquarters! We’re talking fun tours, a sneak peek at what we’re up to, and maybe, just maybe, some secret Icelandic treats?

Meet The Team

In the gaming realm, one does not simply hold a single title — and yes, that includes us. Take Riz, for instance. In the grand marketing quest, she’s not just wielding one tool but an entire arsenal! From penning epic tales of character lore to rallying the gamer troops with newsletters, she’s our marketing realm’s multi-talented champion. Oh, and between us? She’s not just playing the marketing game; she’s quite the gaming enthusiast herself. Learn to know more about Riz here.

Screenshot Saturdays

Throughout the Saturdays of July, we ventured into uncharted territories — showing you snippets of our in-progress gameplay. These weren’t your polished, final-level game clips. No, these were raw, unfiltered peeks into the heart of our creation process, showcasing the magic (and the occasional mischief!) that brews within our gaming labs.

Which one’s your favorite?

Why do this, you ask? Well, apart from our sheer excitement to share, we believe in transparency. We wanted you, our faithful citizens, to be a part of our journey — every jump, slide, and glitch of the way.

Community Matters

Last month, we started something new: ‘Screenshot Saturdays’. Every Saturday, we gave you a quick look at parts of our game that we’re still working on. It’s like letting you read a few pages of a book while it’s still being written.

We didn’t just do this to show off. We wanted to hear from you. Your comments, your likes, your suggestions — they all mean a lot. Every piece of feedback, whether it’s something you loved or something you think we can do better, is a chance for us to learn and grow.

The best part? We saw how much you enjoyed being part of our process. It turned our usual posts into lively chats, full of ideas and thoughts. Because of how valuable this has been for both us and you, we’re going to keep doing it. Your feedback isn’t just welcomed; it’s essential. It might even help shape the way our project turns out in the future.

And who knows? If we keep up this level of chit-chat, maybe we’ll throw in an AMA. I mean, who wouldn’t want to ask us why we chose that particular shade of blue, or if the team really does have Taco Tuesdays?

Final Words

As we put a bow on this July’s review, it’s impossible not to reflect on the energy, collaboration, and sheer fun we’ve shared. Your active participation has not just been about engagement metrics or post likes; it’s been the heartbeat that drives the team’s every effort.

Every comment, reaction, and shared idea serves as a potent reminder of why we do what we do. It’s not just about creating games or content; it’s about building something together, with a community that cares just as deeply as we do.

Looking forward, we’re not slowing down. If anything, we’re more inspired than ever. So, buckle up, because this journey, with all its twists, and turns, is only going to get more exciting!

