Civitas Monthly Review No. #16

Asamael | therapissed
Published in
5 min readSep 14, 2023

GM, good citizens of Civitas! As we bid adieu to August, let’s take a whimsical look back at a time when the spotlight was stolen — not by a superhero or celebrity, but by our one and only — our Civitas’ Basic Workers. Let’s rewind and relive the revelations of these unsung heroes, shall we?

The Workers

From the Basic Male Worker flexing harder than a bodybuilder spotting a gym mirror to our glamorous Basic Female Worker, who made a grand entrance that would even make the grandest of divas nod in approval; it has indeed been a month of revelations, and of course, fashion statements that will echo in the Civitas halls of fame!

The Basic Male Worker

Oh boy, the start of August was all about one man. No, not a rockstar, but someone even better — the hardworking, always smiling, Basic Male Worker.

The suspense was over! We all got to see the face behind the legendary flex. Was he a movie star? A superhero? No, it was the Basic Male Worker, ready to become the hero of Civitas!

We then caught our new star getting all messy and happy with dirt. The mystery man showed his face, and was he ready to get famous or what? It was real, it was fun, and it was the Basic Male Worker in his backyard party!

The Basic Female Worker

Hold up, there was more sizzle and sparkle coming your way! A fabulous lady made a splash and got everyone talking.

Who’s that girl? She teased us first, and we all got a tiny peek at the Basic Female Worker sketches, which were all about the mystery and the glam! But hey, she was more than just a sketch; she was a dream coming to life.

Then came the day we all were waiting for! From sketches to threads, she came, she posed, and she conquered hearts with her fabulous look, colors, and style. She showed off her fabulous outfits, her vibrant energy, and a spirit ready to take on the world of Civitas.

A Blast from the Past

But wait, there was more! August took us on a nostalgic trip, unveiling spots where history whispered tales. Let’s not forget the moments we turned into detectives, solving the grandest of mysteries with the Pre-Historic revelations! It was a Sherlock Holmes meets Indiana Jones kind of adventure, wasn’t it?

Remember the riddles that took you to a place of dreams where hands crafted gems out of raw materials? It was the place where our Male Worker became the hero he is today!

Two days after a poetic teaser that had us all scratching our heads, we opened the doors to the majestic workshop that echoed stories of craftsmanship.

The Pre-Historic Workshop

Then came the whispers, the hints of a sacred place that echoed with ancient tales.

We played the guessing game, dancing around the big question — “What am I?” — until we unveiled the Pre-Historic Altar, a place where time stood still, whispering secrets to those who dared to listen.

Pre-Historic Altar


While our months are already packed with art teasers and art leaks, get ready for it to also be stuffed with screenshot Saturdays, just like these ones.

But hold onto your hats because my all-time favorite is this one right here!

Multiverse Connection

Oh, August was more than just art teasers and leaks! Imagine the Civitas team working day and night, not just building a cool world but also meeting important people in the Web3 space.

Our very own community lead, Giorgio Crosali, better known as Error_404, was right at the heart of the action. He didn’t just rub elbows with the big names at the Saga Multiverse Summit hosted by @sagaxyz__ during the grand @gamescom event. Oh no, he was one of the stars of the show, sharing wisdom and insights from the stage on the day of August 24, 2023.

Final Words

As we lace up our boots, ready to jump into the new adventures that September promises to bring (We hear the team has quite a few surprises up their rolled-up sleeves!), let us take a moment to appreciate the wonder of our progress.

So, grab your virtual popcorn and keep those eyes peeled because the show is far from over. In the grand theater of Civitas, the curtain rises yet again, promising tales grander and adventures wilder. Until our next grand reveal, stay spiffy, stay splendid, and keep those witty guesses coming because who knows? The next grand reveal might be around the corner!

And again, this is Asamael, saying that progress is progress, no matter how small, and we should always be proud of it. You’re doing great, fam. Stay tuned and stay safe.

