Meet the Team — Ólafur

Published in
2 min readAug 11, 2022

GM, welcome to another issue of Meet the Team, a series of blog posts that allow you to learn more about the many people involved in developing Civitas.

Today I’m introducing you to Ólafur Lárus Egilsson, one of the Technical Artists behind our project.

Enjoy the read!

— Giorgio ‘Error 404’ Crosali

Hi Ólafur, can you tell us about your role at Civitas?

I am a Technical Artist and the product owner of the Procedural Generation of NFTs and our game world. I work mostly in Houdini, a powerful 3D software where I construct the rules that generate the Civitas World, as well as Unreal Engine, where I solve technical problems of all sorts and sizes.

What can you tell our community about your background?

I studied art, mostly painting and drawing, in my earlier years and was determined to become a Concept artist for video games. However, that changed a lot five years ago when I went back to school, studied digital art, and fell in love with Unreal engine and the technical side of art. I have now been working at Directive Games for three years.

How have you landed in the blockchain space, and how do you feel about its future?

Civitas brought me into the blockchain space. Admittedly, I had only been viewing it from a distance before Civitas. I think it’s a cool idea to be able to own your unique game item and do more with it than play the game. I am curious to see what the future holds for NFT games and what clever or cool stuff other games come up with.

What are your favorite non-web3 games?

I play a lot of Minecraft; the creative freedom and the amazing technical feats speak to me personally and professionally. Other games that gave me one the best times of my life are Heroes of Might and Magic III and Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic.

Lastly, what do you do when you aren’t busy creating or playing games?

I play piano and guitar to clear my mind. I like tending to plants and using them in cooking, and I enjoy cooking for guests. I paint and draw, but that has gotten less frequent as I dive deeper into digital media.

See the fantastic creations of Ólafur on his ArtStation profile.

Want to know more about the people behind Civitas? Consider checking out the previous issue of Meet the Team.




📜 Official account of Civitas, the community-driven, blockchain-powered, 4X strategy game 🌐 Cooperate with other citizens to build and develop your city 🏛️