Meet the Team — Asam

Published in
6 min readJun 9, 2023

You know this person well if you haven’t been sleeping under a rock. He’s a devoted web3 aficionado and a fundamental component of the Civitas communications team. Whenever you see something on our social media accounts or on our Discord announcement channels, chances are he’s the author. He’s your advocate to help shape Civitas as a game and as a community. Meet Asam Ramirez, Community Specialist!

— Giorgio “Error 404” Crosali

Asam Ramirez, Community Specialist

Hello Asam! Please tell us a bit about yourself!

Hi, Sure! I’m Asam Ramirez, but I go by Asamael | Therapissed in the digital world. This moniker has its roots in my initial desire to become a psychotherapist. However, life has a way of forging its own paths, and I found myself moving in a different direction. On the other hand, my friends keep things simple and call me Sam.

Before I immersed myself in the space, I spent close to 7 years refining my skills as a Virtual Assistant. This period gave me valuable experiences, introduced me to diverse people, and provided a deep understanding of the digital workspace.

On the home front, I have the joy and privilege of sharing my life with 16 delightful cats. These beasty companions with distinct personality traits bring a sense of whimsy and warmth to my life. Their presence has taught me patience, empathy, and the value of unspoken companionship.

Photography and storytelling are passions that bring me relief from the stresses of life. I love taking random photos — capturing the mundane or the extraordinary — I also enjoy penning down real-life stories and experiences, often connecting them with the photographs I take. This serves as my creative outlet and a personal log of my journey.

The quest for knowledge and new experiences is something that truly excites me. I embrace challenges with open arms and firmly believe that there’s always room for improvement and that every new day brings a chance for personal development. It is this curiosity and hunger for learning that propels me to venture out of my comfort zone, acquire new skills, and evolve both personally and professionally.

Despite the varied roles I play — a digital professional, a wannabe psychotherapist turned virtual assistant, a furr parent, a photo-walker, and a storyteller — the essence of who I am remains constant. I am Asam, a lifelong learner with a keen eye for the beauty in everyday life, a love for growth, and a deep appreciation for the journey that lies ahead.

I look forward to the unfolding chapters of this adventure, meeting new people, learning new things, and making a positive impact wherever I go.

What is the thing you like the most about being a community manager?

The aspect I appreciate most about being a community manager is the opportunity it provides for genuine connection and collaboration. Navigating through different perspectives, personalities, and ideas and uniting them for a common purpose is a rewarding challenge.

As a community manager, I have the privilege of getting to know our community members. I strive to understand their needs and provide a platform where their voices are heard. This human element, the chance to connect with others on a personal level, is incredibly fulfilling.

Upon reflecting on my role, the connections I build, the creativity I exercise, the challenges I overcome, and the driving purpose — that I find most enjoyable. These aspects of my job keep me motivated and passionate every single day.

What are your favorite aspects of the web3 industry?

I find the web3 industry to be really exciting and unique. The biggest thing for me is how it moves power from big companies to regular people. This big change is not just about technology. It’s also about making the digital world more fair and giving everyone a say.

Another thing I love about web3 is how it’s always changing and bringing new ideas to life. Things like blockchain, smart contracts, DeFi, and NFTs were all just ideas once, and now they’re changing how we think about the online world.

Something else I really like is how web3 brings people together. In many web3 projects, like DAOs and NFTs, the community has a big say in what happens. This teamwork and shared success is a really important part of web3 for me.

Web3 also brings so many new chances for people to start businesses, be creative, and connect with others. It could change a lot of different areas, from money and art to social media and games.

Lastly, I appreciate how web3 can be more open and trustworthy than the old internet. With blockchain, you can see all transactions and know they’re secure. This makes me more confident in web3 and excited about what it might do in the future.

What are your favorite web3 games? Aside for Civitas, of course ;)

To be honest, I’m quite new to this space, and I’m not really a gamer myself. I understood the process of the game before I even understood how to play it. I started my journey in this space in late 2020 or early 2021. Axie Infinity was the game that first introduced me to this space. At first, I played it just because I could earn from it, but eventually, the gameplay became more challenging and got me excited. I also made friends in the community, got involved in a large guild like YGG Philippines, and made friends who became like family to me across my country. Now, I still play Axie Infinity when I have some spare time. I miss their cute appearances. In fact, I was planning to have my first Axie tattooed, but my artist is a bit busy at the moment.

Apart from Axie Infinity, I also play other games as a pastime, like Gensokishi, but since I only play it occasionally, I’m behind on game updates. Another game I’m currently exploring is The Machines Arena (TMA). Every match is thrilling and extremely satisfying. I have received keys/access for early alpha testing in other projects, but I will probably play those when I have upgraded my unit and settled what needs to be settled.

But if you ask me what web2 game I would like to see in the future in web3, of course, one of those would be the most popular games I have played. GTA and CODM.

Lastly, what would you recommend to other young people looking for a career in web3?

Diving into the world of Web3 feels like stepping into the future. If you’re a young person interested in this space, I’d first say don’t be scared to embrace the learning curve. It’s like learning a new language, but instead of words, you’re dealing with exciting techs like blockchain, digital assets, and decentralized systems.

Networking is key in this space, so mingle with the Web3 community. This could be on social platforms, webinars, or in-person events. Get active on Discord, Twitter, and Reddit — you’ll meet like-minded people, share ideas, and, who knows, even kickstart an awesome project together.

Don’t forget to get your hands moving. Set up a digital wallet, try out some dApps, or mint an NFT. Experiencing these technologies firsthand helps you understand the potential and limitations of Web3.

Last but not least, keep your thinking cap on. Web3 isn’t just tech for tech’s sake. It’s about building a future where we have more control over our digital lives. Think about the bigger picture, the societal impacts, and how Web3 can shape the world.

I grew up without anyone to guide me, as my parents had been out of the picture since I was seven. No one taught me how to use a Gameboy or a cellphone, how to adapt to the internet, or even how to speak English, which is not my first language. Everything I learned as a child was self-taught. So, diving into the Web3 space feels like relearning everything I absorbed growing up alone. The only difference this time is that learning has become easier because now, there are people we can ask and approach. All the resources we need are already available; the only thing left is to utilize them.

The world of Web3 is a thrilling ride. It can be a complex maze filled with exciting opportunities. Be patient, keep your curiosity alive, and who knows, you might be part of the next big breakthrough in the Web3 universe!

Want to know more about the Civitas team? Check our previous Meet the Team issues on our publication page:




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