Meet the Team —Gustav

Published in
1 min readApr 1, 2023

At Directive Games, we pride ourselves in hiring the best talent of the industry, no matter where they come from or to which species they belong to. It is with great pleasure that I introduce you to the latest entry to the Civitas team, the true G.O.A.T. of our project. Meet Gustav!

— Giorgio ‘Error 404’ Crosali

Hello Gustav, can you us about yourself and your career?

Baaaaaaaaaaah! Baaaaah! Baaaaaaaah!

Impressive! Can you further elaborate on your last experience?


What do you think of the web3 scene, and what impact you believe it’ll have on gaming?


That’s an incredible vision! What is your advice for anyone wishing to enter this industry?


Lastly, would you like to share anything with our community?


APRIL FOOLS! Want to know more about the actual Civitas team? Check our previous Meet the Team issues on our publication page:




📜 Official account of Civitas, the community-driven, blockchain-powered, 4X strategy game 🌐 Cooperate with other citizens to build and develop your city 🏛️