⚔️Along with the Gods P2E Server Announcement

PlayDapp Team
PlayDapp Games
Published in
3 min readOct 25, 2021

We’re making sure that the first run of P2E is as fair as possible

Hello Knights!

We’ve been receiving a lot of questions about how players’ progress on the current server will be reflected in the new Play-to-Earn server and we want to explain how it will work. We have also been hearing your concerns on balance and fairness. New players vs established players and the ability to come into PVP and be competitive.

Two important P2E announcements

  1. Wallet usage — Gameplay and Staking 🔗
  2. NFT Item Imports — Month one 🔗

Wallet use in Item manager and when playing in the P2E server

Along with the God’s players, this is a crucial announcement.

All players who staked their NFTs in Item Manager prior to the Play-to-Earn server launch must use the same wallet they staked with and containing your staked PLAYZ NFTs when you log in and bind to the new server on October 27th.

Failure to do so may result in your earnings being impacted. While switching wallets and Game IDs is possible, it will require a support ticket. This would take time.

For details on accessing the item manager, check this guide:

NFT Assets

PlayDapp is committed to letting you bring previously created NFT Heroes and Runes into the P2E environment, as fairly as possible. To do this there will be a one-month pause in importing and exporting NFT Heroes & Runes in the Item Manager of the P2E server.

The new play-to-earn server will start from a clean slate, meaning players will have fresh accounts. We understand that some players may feel as if this devalues their previous time and effort into their accounts, but this is a necessary step for launching a new server. We also want to ensure that all players, both established and new, have a chance at the beginning of the server to compete on equal footing without some players having an immediate insurmountable advantage, especially with the amount of PLA rewards on offer in the weekly PvP ranking tournaments.

After the one-month launch period, established players will be able to transfer over certain in-game assets ( 6-star +15 Runes and Ancient God Heroes) as NFTs between servers. This allows players to be able to transfer key elements of their progress from the current server to the new play-to-earn server while maintaining an equitable environment for the play-to-earn server to launch in.

We have also heard concerns from established players wanting to transfer NFT assets ( 6-star +15 Runes and Ancient God Heroes) to brand new wallet accounts, letting them have a “farm account” and a “P2E” account. PlayDapp’s marketplace allows for NFT transfers between wallet accounts registered under the same email address.

These were tough decisions to make, but we are taking the necessary steps to balance the concerns of established players with those of new players and creating a fair competitive environment for play-to-earn.

The future of Along with the Gods P2E is exciting, and we can’t wait for everyone to start playing and earning together!

You can read more about the upcoming Play-to-Earn launch here:



PlayDapp Team
PlayDapp Games

The home of all things PlayDapp - C2C MarketPLAce, Blockchain games. An interconnected ecosystem of playing and earning! NFT Marketplace: playdapp.com