4 Days and over 40,000 Coins given during our 2020 Lunar Event!

Ryan "NDUS" Chown
PlayDapp Games
Published in
6 min readJan 30, 2020

DozerFriends Lunar New Year event saw a massive amount being given to our players, but are you one of the lucky ones?

DozerFriends, it’s the time some of you have been eagerly awaiting, it’s the 30th Jan 2020 so that can only mean that it’s time to distribute all the Lunar 2020 rewards and, oh boy…. there's a lot of them….

Need a refresher of all the Details of the Lunar event? Check out our announcement post here:

Eager to just find out if you’re a winner, then here’s a quick catch up of the events you could have won.


Event One: Best daily CryptoDoll wins!
Event Two: CryptoDolls mean Prizes!


Event One: Best flights win!
Event Two: Every flight is a ticket to win BUD

All caught up on the competitions you could have won? Great then let’s get on with the business of hyping up the Lunar winners!

CryptoDozer Lunar Event winners

Best daily CryptoDoll wins!— Event one

Starting with biggies! Those DozerFriends who took the best CryptoDolls each day, four champions of the dozer and four surely happy players!

Congratulations on your 505 coins and 5 walls!

Day one- Jan 24th — Winner: Kr

This was a real speedster! With the whole event being live for under an hour before the first Rita was scooped up by an eager player! The beautiful bunny Rita (0.007ETH) was collected and processed by Kr (0x3545…13f8)

Day two- Jan 25th — Winner: raileg

Day two took a slightly more leisurely approach, appearing just before midday, with the Vampiric Jade (0.1ETH) being collected and processed by raileg (0x4B23…492a)

Day three- Jan 26th — Winner: SilverFox

Day three continued the leisurely pace with our eventual winner not making their appearance until gone 8 pm! But displaying some real skills, and coming up with a great doll — Trudy (0.7ETH) was collected and processed first by SilverFox (0x1C0f…53ab)

Day four — Jan 27th — Winner: Loser

The fourth and final day saw an ironically named winner scoop the prize, with a tasty Amber (2ETH) doll being collected and processed by the one and only Loser (0x9771…3992) — Definitely a winner now!

Congratulations to all the winners from CryptoDozer’s Lunar event, it’s been awesome to get a bit of fun injected into the Daily Collecting of CryptoDolls! We can’t wait to see how the coin bonuses help you out!

CryptoDolls mean Prizes! — Event Two

CryptoDozer’s second event gave out a massive amount of cookie-coins. Every CryptoDoll collected netted the player 20, Cookie-Coins. In just four days, over 57,000 Cookie-Coins were won.

These are now on their way to players, it’s a staggering amount, almost the biggest amount we’ve ever given away in an event like this.

However, it didn’t stop there, each CryptoDoll also acted as an entry into a Daily Prize draw, which saw the lucky twenty picks getting an extra booster of 200 Cookie-Coins! This was the fun one, you could have won this multiple times across all the days, and you know what, maybe someone did!

Without further ado, here we go!

Day one- Jan 24th

20 lucky players will soon be getting their 200 cookie-coin boost! And here they are! -one player has no nickname so a truncated wallet address has been used.

Prielas, fiwa183, erik2k,Metodi, Kr8, Mendelian, Anjo, maskarajr, chris, CryptoNinja, Hulocan, Smeedance, Kr, siba, Bugstar88, silverfox, Jer, Xanderford, Carvalho, (0xC611…83F2)

Day two- Jan 25th

17 lucky players will soon be getting their 200 cookie-coin boost! And here they are! Three players were super lucky and won twice! -five players have no nickname so a truncated wallet address has been used.

mert, daoshujin — winning twice!, DoGBoY, bitti, OcramisPC, mocixi6942, Blaze, prohamtan1, P99181, krzkoc7, s13f4n, Kr- winning twice!, 0x16Ec…f082, 0x8902…7479, 0x8466…7d15, 0xfC00…236B,
0xf506…1453 — winning twice

Day three- Jan 26th

19 lucky players will soon be getting their 200 cookie-coin boost! And here they are!

Scoots7, JvSaterBR, lezorte, RasAlGhul- winning twice!, MissYve, trs0414, cupahutla, D4NNY, Lara, raileg, s13f4n, tavameni, Gapl, Smokahontas, Mordekain, Ripley, 0xc39e…21A3, 0xC222…6cfD, 0x35AB…6678

Day four — Jan 27th

20 lucky players will soon be getting their 200 cookie-coin boost! And here they are!

Meldem, lnkang, cbhernan, lambohunter, goool, anlayaman, RasAlGhul, Sersembil, Loser, chris, Diabolos, Jazybit, indragenjieh, Mashfiqun, mj,
0xf578…Dc8E, 0x1b2f…cdE1, 0x789E …654F, 0x857C…faFf,

Congratulations to all these super players, we can’t wait to see what a boost those tasty Cookie-coins will make to you!

DozerBird Lunar Event winners

Best flights win!— Event One

A straight shoot out for the best run over the whole four-day event, and oh boy were there some awesome flights. It’s a top twenty that gives some real gaps, with the very best player flying over four times as far as the last place.
But the great thing is, that last place person still walks away with 20 BUD, 1 Predict and 1 Boost!

Drumroll please from 1st to 20th, it’s the DozerBird Allstars! Did you make the grade? find out from the table below!

Congratulations to you 20 superstars! You flew hard and made some real gains and now you get to sit back and relax with your awesome DozerBird Boosters!

Every flight is a ticket to win BUD — Event Two

Of course, we know that there are players out there who play as best they can, but they just can't hit the big numbers of a 300+ run, like some of event one’s winners.

That’s why we made an effort to give the chance of a reward to those players who took the time to fly, no matter the distance they covered. So, we awarded 40 random flights a neat little pick me up of 5 BUDs, it’s a great little booster to any players arsenal!

Congratulations to the 40 players on the list below, it doesn't matter if you’re in the top, middle or bottom, you flew and with a bit of luck on your side your flight was picked!

eight players have no nickname so a truncated wallet address has been used.

Congratulations 5 BUDS are winging their way to you right now!

Congratulations to all the winners from the four days, you were either the best or had some luck on your side to get these rewards! If your proud of how you did then go on, brag about it!

Discord: https://discord.gg/5QMpnJ7
Telegram: https://t.me/cryptodozer_io



Ryan "NDUS" Chown
PlayDapp Games

Global Community Manager for @xocietyofficial Making moves on blockchain, in a new unreal engine powered venture, developed by NDUS Interactive