A fleece as white as snow, this NFT will help your cookie collection grow!

Ryan "NDUS" Chown
PlayDapp Games
Published in
5 min readOct 28, 2020

Who’s that DozerDoll #13

Hi PlayDapp Gamers!

We’ve had big news for our RPGs recently, with a monster update to Soul Seeker: 6th Knights. Not only that but we threw down some thoughts on the wider ideas of Crypto and PayPal.

But, enough about that, it’s time to bring back some cuteness! And wouldn’t ewe know it? We’ve got just the thing! So let’s herd you toward the latest membaa to get their time in the limelight!

Introducing Lamlam!

Hiya Lamlam, can you believe it you’re very own DozerFriends feature! I can’t wait to let you show off to all our palls! Plus, you’ve already been made a star in your very own video!

How about that!?

It’s all really cool, buh-but I’m a lil’ worried about all the new attention….

Oh, Don’t worry Lamlam, it’ll be great! Plus, you’ll be the envy of all your flock!

Thu-th-that’s a nother thing! I can’t be the envy of my flock as I’m lost! Sniff, sniff, b-b-buh-baaaaaa~waaaaaah.

Oh my goodness… It’s ok Lamlam, I’m sure your flock is nearby. Why don’t we look for them?

Ok… but can you lead the way? Im worried about what we might bump into. There’s so much out there that can do harm to a lil’ old sheep like me. That’s why we travel in flocks, safety in numbers. Plus, that way we can share the worries! Now I'm all alone I haff-ta do all the worry myself, it’s really tiring….

Well, I’m here. So that’s 50% less worry right there! Now let’s get to finding your flock!

And so, Lamlam and Ryan traveled far and wide across the DozerFriends candy world looking for clues. They flew high in DozerBird, dodging many a pipe. Pushed on and deveoured cookie after cookie in CryptoDozer. All while searching for Lamlam’s piece of home. During the adventure they met friends familiar and new, like Guiny; still relaxing in her sauna. Peppa; still watching the latest Hollywood blockbusters and many other friends. Eventually, the pair arrived back at the farm Lamlam called home.

Lamlam, we’ve looked everywhere and I just don’t know what to say… I don’t think we’ll ever…..

baaa-hahah baaa-haha, bahahah

Wait what’s that!?

Lamlam, it’s us your flockmates! We’ve been here all the time! Just hiding behind these bays of hay! We were only pretending to be gone, where were ewe?

Lamlam is our friendly sheep. He may be nervous, especially when ‘lost’ from his flock but he’ll always help you out in any game he can.

So what’s so special about this lost little lamb?

There’s a lot to love about this lamb, from stat boosts to game-changing impact. Let’s check out a maxed out Lamlam from the PlayDapp MarketPLAce to really get to grips with why you should add him to your game.

So how does Lamlam stack up in terms of gameplay boosters and fun?

In CryptoDozer?

We’re checking out a fully loaded Lamlam here, so all his boosters are set to max. As you can see his active effect during gameplay is a doozy! Boosting the chance for Fever Coins to drop whenever a Doll is collected.

Bring the Fever!

This is an awesome ability and one that can really help with cookie-maximizing and retention strats. As every cookie collected during fever time is worth two! The more fever times, the more cookie doubling chances you get!

In DozerBird?

Lamlam’s abilities are a good middle ground in DozerBird. Again we’re checking out a high-level Lamlam from the MarketPLAce.

As you can tell Lamlam brings you a balanced way to play. With respectable Flying Control and Wind Resistance, he’s sure to help you bring some consistency to your flights. However, his real area of expertise is in the world of boosters. Lamlam gives you a special boost to the Predict item, making it last just a little bit longer, a valuable thing indeed.

Want to grab this guy? He’s out there on the PlayDapp MarketPLAce, ready for you.

We’re not going to ram the point home, but Lamlam would make a stellar addition to any DozerFriends game player’s library of awesome NFTs.

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Ryan "NDUS" Chown
PlayDapp Games

Global Community Manager for @xocietyofficial Making moves on blockchain, in a new unreal engine powered venture, developed by NDUS Interactive