Along with the Gods future secured!

PlayDapp Team
PlayDapp Games
Published in
5 min readFeb 26, 2021

Some great news for Along with the Gods players. Plus blockchain details!


Recently we posted an End of Service notice for Along with the Gods. This was a hard decision to take, and one that would affect the dedicated players, and possibly open up some questions.

However, we have some incredibly important news. Thanks to a newly sourced operational agreement, the cost of maintaining the Along with the Gods service has been significantly reduced. Using Naver Cloud, we’re in a much better position to continue the legacy of Along with the Gods! Not just in its current form but into the blockchain future it deserves!

Long story short, Along with the Gods: Knights of the Dawn, hasn’t lost the fight for the light yet!

Give me just the top information

We heard you and the passion you shared for Along with the Gods. So it was an obvious decision to take this opportunity with Naver Cloud and apply it to Along with the Gods!

Why did you announce the end of the service if you were able to bring it back?

When we took the decision to close the service, the ability to reduce operational costs was not there. The ability to work with Naver Cloud was an opportunity that came about during some additional work for other PlayDapp projects. Of course, we would have loved to have not had to issue the Termination of Service for Along with the Gods. We understand that doing so, caused stress and bad feelings. We’re committed to making sure that players of all our games are treated in the best way, with the best experiences.

We want to be as open as possible with you. So with that in mind, let’s dive into more details about the future of Along with the Gods.

The Future of Along with the Gods.

Now the service is not terminating what happens to my account?

Accounts that were active before the planned Termination of Service will continue on as they are.

I deleted/closed my account — what about me?

If you closed or deleted your account, you’ll still be able to come back to a restored account. As it was before the Termination of Service notice. You’ll have to get in touch with a member of the team, via or reach out in our communities (links at end of the story).

Please note that if you deleted all characters and items in the game, rather than just account deletion. These are no longer in the database, and can’t be recovered.

What about the plans for refunds?

We’ve completed the refunds for purchases in the last 30 days. As the service will come back, the partial refunds will not continue.

You kept talking about blockchain — what’s the status of that / why has it taken so long?

We’ve been working on the blockchain version of Along with the Gods. Our internal focus has been working on creating the best NFT experience for AWTG. There are many aspects that could see NFT application, from runes to characters and in between.

Creating a balance of the best experience for players in terms of gameplay and in terms of value for the items they are creating has been a significant milestone. In-game items that generate quickly and in large numbers are not overly attractive as NFT, this is because it can flood the market, creating low value for players, as well as lower reasons to commit to trading.

Coupled with this has been a steady increase in the cost of maintaining an Ethereum based game. Gas, a central part of the Ethereum network has remained unstable at its cost, with dramatic shifts in price. Creating a system that allowed for stable charges to players has proven to be incredibly hard.

While we could place all charges on the user, it’s a high burden for you as players. With ethereum 2.0 being slower to materialize than we had hoped releasing an ethereum based game is currently not in the best interest of PlayDapp and most importantly players.

With this, we’ve taken the choice to focus on an alternative mainnet, prioritizing speed, cost-effectiveness and reliability for players. There are some promising mainnets out there, with interesting solutions and we look forward to revealing more in the near future.

So when can I play?

Our development schedule is aimed at players getting their hands on the blockchain version in the second half of the year. We’re super excited to share this.

Even more so, we're able to give plans on an intended Focus Group Test (FGT). We’ll be running our FGT, in a test environment, in that later part of the year.

This FGT will be your chance to help shape Along with the Gods into a truly fan-based and player-centric game.

What happens to my account on the non-blockchain version?

If you’ve been playing AWTG, and continue to play on it when the blockchain version launches, your progress will continue.

Too long, just give me the essentials.

  • Along with the Gods Knights of the Dawn, will continue.
  • You’ll see no difference, as the process is automatic with no impact on players.
  • All accounts will carry over to the new server/service in the state they were in before the closure announcement.*
  • Old accounts and closed accounts can come back.
  • Blockchain development version aimed for the second half of the year.
  • Focus group testing will happen toward the end of the year.
  • The Blockchain version’s chain is being investigated. With a focus on one that proves to be cost-efficient, fast and reliable for all players.
  • We want our players to help shape this game. To be the game you want.

*Post sever change, accounts will be in the same status. — No items will be lost nor will any progress made during the time between the closure notice and the continuation announcement.



PlayDapp Team
PlayDapp Games

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