Detailed schedule for PLA-to-PDA migration progress

PlayDapp Team
PlayDapp Games
Published in
1 min readMar 13, 2024

Dear PlayDapp Community,
Starting from today, personal wallet holders can apply for PLA-to-PDA Migration through the opened migration portal.
In this regard, we will inform you of the detailed schedule for upcoming migration progress. Please check below for more details.

PDA distribution schedule: scheduled to be sent every Wednesday (Additional notification will be given if schedule changes)
※ After applying for migration, the internal review period may take about 7 days.
※ Migration applications will be reviewed in the order they are received, and we aim to pay out PDA in batches on every Wednesday for those that have been confirmed among the applications received by 03:00 (UTC+0) on every Tuesday.

When distributing PDA, we will inform you of the payment details and the wallet address to which it was paid through a separate notice.
For those applying for migration, please be sure to refer to the notice announced every Wednesday.

Thank you for your continued support and trust in PlayDapp.



PlayDapp Team
PlayDapp Games

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