Did you know some DozerBird DozerDolls come with free items?

Ryan "NDUS" Chown
PlayDapp Games
Published in
6 min readDec 19, 2019

Learn the difference between a Bram and a Lamlam and you’ll be laughing!

Hi DozerFriends,

We’ve got a massive not-so-secret DozerBird secret to share with you all! We thought it was time to shine a light on a super important feature that some players have been missing on DozerBird characters!

It all kicked off when one of our Telegram users posted this super cool breakdown on DozerBird flyers.

Blaze, [18.12.19 10:24]
Wanted to share some tips and results from my flights in DozerBird with Bram, he is a great flyer! On average I fly into the low 100’s. Making use of his free shield is literally a life saver. It takes about 30 flights to make good progress on collecting keys. Good fragments often appear at the beginning of the flight, the 30’s, 50’s, 100’s and 150’s (got my last Unique fragment here). If you get Bram hang on to him and fly, fly, fly. Get keys open chests and keep earning. It is affordable to get keys if you fly well, 4 rare keys in 4 days.

Part of Blaze’s post caused confusion. A free shield with Bram? How do you get that? We need to shine a light on a part of the DozerBird characters that seems to not be known. So here it goes…

*picks up megaphone*

Each DozerBird Character has 5 individual stats that determine just how great a flyer they are. The rarer the DozerDoll the better they are for flying! Learn the difference and you’ll be powering up the ability to get even more Keys in DozerBird!

*puts down megaphone*

Let’s break it down — using Bram as a great example

let’s dissect Bram (in a good way)

1. Wind Resistance

So, what exactly is wind resistance? Well simply put it’s the ability of the DozerBird DozerDoll to withstand the pressures of the in-game wind. Especially useful when the wind is blowing down toward the ground. The better the Wind Resistance the straighter and truer the character will stay while flying.

2. Flying Control

Flying control? This one is easy to wrap your mind around. Flying control is the ability of the DozerBird DozerDoll to be a while in the air. The better the control the less you’ll see your DozerDoll move when tapping to keep flying.

3. Booster boost

Hopefully, you’ll know what the Booster booties do. If not, they boost you along and help you smash through obstacles in your path. It’s super useful and powerful!

However, what’s that green number and clock doing there?

Well, every DozerBird DozerDoll wears the Booster booties their way and this gives them a real, er boost, to the length of time they are active! We can see here that Bram wears his pretty well and as a result, they last 3.5 seconds longer!

4. Predict boost

Hopefully, you’ll know what the Predict binoculars do. If not, they give you a heads up on the path to take to avoid obstacles in your path. It’s super useful and powerful, especially as you run continues.

However, what’s that green number and clock doing there?

Well, some DozerBird DozerDolls have better eyesight than others, so it only makes sense that they’d be better at using binoculars and get a boost to time it stays active!

We can see here that Bram has some great eyesight and as a result, he can make them last for 6 seconds longer than a basic pair.

5. Shield boost

Hopefully, you’ll know what the Shield does. If not, it wraps a beautiful bubble around your DozerBird DozerDoll, letting you take one hit before crashing. It’s super useful and powerful, giving you one extra chance every run.

However, what’s that green number and plus-sign doing there?

Well, some DozerBird DozerDolls are more cautious than others, some are extra prepared. So some like Bram a ready with a Shield even if you have none! This is probably the most useful of all the Skills boosters that the DozerDolls have.

Let’s sum it all up in as simple a way as possible.

Every DozerBird DozerDoll has 5 basic stats, each one is ranked for flying, wind resistance and item boosts. Predict and Booster work by having extra time added by the DozerDoll. The shield works in an even better way, each DozerDoll potentially rocks extra ones.

Now if you don’t have one of the DozerDolls then how can you check the stats? We’ve got you covered check out the gallery below to learn the stats of every single DozerBird DozerDoll.

We’ve let Lance, the granddaddy of them all go first as his stats are worth showing off.

DozerBird Flying Gallery

So now you know the power of every DozerDoll in the game and how each of them can use their respective boosts and abilities. There’s no reason to not get some awesome runs and make some fantastic key runs!

And you couldn’t have learned this at a better time! All items in DozerBird are massively reduced from now until the new year! So not only can you stock up cheap, but you can now guarantee that you’ll be using them in the best way possible!

DozerFriends games let you earn real ETH by collecting cute CryptoDolls. Both CryptoDozer & DozerBird are super simple games that have some serious ETH! The DozerDolls have a range of values and rankings, including Fancy, Bronze, Silver & Gold! With ETH value reflected accordingly.

Silver DozerDolls are worth up to one ETH while our Gold DozerDolls can be worth two, seven, 10 and even 30ETH.

Then there’s the ultimate prize, special 70ETH DozerDolls! Winners of these really will be the ultimate Crypto Rich. Can you collect the ultimate prize?

You can check out our wall of big winners for inspiration!



Ryan "NDUS" Chown
PlayDapp Games

Global Community Manager for @xocietyofficial Making moves on blockchain, in a new unreal engine powered venture, developed by NDUS Interactive