Dolls of the week #02 — Jade

PlayDapp Editor1
PlayDapp Games
Published in
2 min readFeb 7, 2019

Hi, CryptoDozer Rich!

The 2nd doll of the week is… JADE :)
With his interesting appearance different from ordinary rabbits, Jade is one of our favorites of CryptoDozer doll collection.

Hello from Jade

“What’s up! I’m Jade, a.k.a Bunnicula. Roar!
Everyone calls me a crazy vampire rabbit.
As a rabbit, I like to eat carrots sometimes, but my favorite is fresh mice because I am a carnivorous rabbit. yummm!
I catch them with my sharp teeth and claws.
Don’t be surprised when you see me tearing my ears out by myself. I do so, when I can’t control my anger. So don’t make me get angry. I don’t want you to see me bleeding.
Oh, watch out! I might bite you if you make me super angry. Growl…!!

Do you think you can handle me as your friend? Mhahahahaha!!”

Get Jade now and tame him!

Even though Jade is out of control with crazy personality, you better collect him when you see him on the game. He has a pretty high value in Ether compared to lower-leveled dolls, try hard to get him and tame him in your inventory!


Check your inventory before you get a new doll. Once the inventory gets full, any dolls you collect after will not be stored. You can purchase and add more slots to increase your inventory capacity, or simply empty the slots by exchanging the existing dolls collected into Ether at our exchange marketplace.

While playing CryptoDozer, you will meet many different kinds of dolls. It would be much fun if you know each doll better.

Please subscribe to our channel and find out more stories about the dolls in CryptoDozer.

Wanna meet Jade now?

Play CryptoDozer and be the Crypto Rich!
Stay tuned till you meet our next doll of the week.


Team PlayDapp

