DozerDolls Assemble!
Tips on crafting a team of NFT cuties to take on the ultimate gaming experience!
It’s time for another look at some important systems in CryptoDozer. This time we’ll be looking at tips on how to achieve a core of DozerDolls that can really boost your gameplay. Ready? Let’s crack on!
So many Dolls, so many options….
With 15 interconnected NFT DozerDolls to collect use and trade, it can be a little daunting which to aim for. So we’re going to think about what style of game we want to encourage.
Four power tips to help you create the perfect team.
- Get to know each DozerDoll. Sounds obvious right? But if you get to know the 15 NFT DozerDolls properly, you’ll be able to form a clear strategy of just what you want to do.
- Know exactly what it takes to make the dolls you’re after. Say you’ve identified Nick and his booster of “chance to activate Bulldozer effect when a doll is collected”. It sounds like a great way to increase cookie collecting. But you’ll need to collect the variations of his sub doll- in this case, 6 Clover variations.
- Don’t be afraid to convert lower level dolls into cookies. On your journey to creating a power trio of DozerDolls, you’ll collect plenty of, well… lesser dolls, sure they all can be used, but if you’re aiming for a specific set, you’re going to need cookies. So take the time to clear the ranks of, duplicates or lower dolls that you don't plan to combine. Not only is this a great way to keep the game going but it’s also a great way to stay on top of tracking what you’ve got.
- Think, what “Power Three” do you want?
Think about your end goals. Do you want to try to make the rarest DozerDoll, ripe to corner the PlayDapp MarketPLACe? If you do then you’ll want to increase your chances of generating normal dolls. This will up the chances of dropping the right combining Dolls. However, it’s not just dolls you’ll need. Cookies are essential for playing. So you’ll have to keep a steady supply of them. So you may want to aim for creating a cookie generating beast, by collecting say an Alako and leveling up his sats.
Four super simple tips to think about, to help you create a DozerDoll trio that will suit your play style. Next time we’ll look at what three we could mix and match to get us to our goal of being a DozerDoll generating machine!
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