PlayDapp signs Partnership with EVR Studio for Joint Metaverse Blockchain promotion

PlayDapp Team
PlayDapp Games
Published in
2 min readNov 22, 2021

PlayDapp, Digital Human of EVR Studio, and Metaverse content business jointly developed by combining virtual city production technology and NFT

▶️ Metaverse platform scheduled to be serviced by EVR Studio in the future will incorporate PlayDapp’s NFT technology into its games.

[November 22, 2021]Blockchain service platform PlayDapp (CEO Brian Choi) announced on the 22nd that it has signed a business agreement with Digital Human and EVR Studio (CEO Yoon Yong-gi and Kim Jae-hwan), a leading metaverse technology company.

EVR Studio specializes in digital content development and has leading technology in the digital human and metaverse sphere. It is developing various businesses such as digital human, XR content, metaverse, and AAA games. PlayDapp is providing NFT Marketplace and NFT technology, allowing for global users to trade owned assets. As well as leading in Play to Earn (P2E) games using blockchain NFT technology.

With this business agreement, the two companies plan to collaborate across various projects. The first project will be the development of content using NFT (Non-Fungible Token) across the metaverse, digital humans, and game fields.

Sang Chung, General Manager of PlayDapp said, “I am delighted to be able to develop a new business that converges blockchain and metaverse with EVR Studio, which possesses unrivaled technological prowess in the fields of digital human and virtual city production technology.” , “We will do our best to become a leading company in the blockchain platform market through mutual practical work-sharing and cooperation.”

PlayDapp and EVR Studio will jointly create metaverse content that combines digital human and virtual city production technology with NFT and develop deeper business between the two companies. In areas including the application of blockchain technology NFT to game services that combine Digital Human and virtual city production technology with NFT.

Gwangcheol Cho, Director of Strategic Planning of EVR Studio, said, “The partnership with PlayDapp, which leads the blockchain NFT service platform market, is to build a new business model in addition to the traditional business model in promoting EVR Studio’s metaverse platform business. It is of great significance. Through mutual cooperation with PlayDapp, we will achieve meaningful business results in various fields such as digital human, metaverse platform business, and AAA games.”



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