Scenario Hell Mode 19–20 Guide

Your complete guide to completing Hell Scenario 19 and 20

DH Suh
PlayDapp Games
9 min readDec 16, 2020


Hello Knights! We’ve been hearing feedback from players that they’re having trouble overcoming Stages 19 and 20 of Hell Mode. As always, we’re here to help! We’ve come up with this guide packed full of useful pointers and guidelines that will help you overcome this challenge.

Gems, Gems, Gems

The cold hard truth is that unless you have a complete team of Transcended high-tier Heroes with maxed out Runes and accessories, you’re going to struggle to clear Stages 19 onwards without losing all of your Heroes. Stages 19 and 20 were designed as endgame content for high-level players. Luckily, Gems exist as the great equalizer in this game. Every time you wipe out you can use Gems to revive your team. Thus, the aim for most players isn’t going to be to build a team that can beat 19 and 20 in the traditional sense, it should be to build a team that can scrape through it with Gems.

The sooner you accept that you’re most likely going to have to use Gems to clear 19 and 20, the sooner you can start saving up Gems in preparation. The best advice we can give for clearing these Scenario stages is to save up Gems, especially if you’re trying to get those Mythical Hero Scrolls and Ancient God Hero Scroll as soon as possible. Just know that brute-forcing your way like this can see you use thousands of gems. You may run out of stockpiled Gems as you go through Scenario, in which case you’ll need to save up more before attempting to progress again.

The alternative is to build your team up to the point where it can naturally clear the stages. Be warned though, by that point you’ll have spent a large amount of time and effort on the game, meaning Mythical Hero Scrolls you get as a reward will be much less impactful. Overall, you’ll get more benefit from clearing 19 and 20 as soon as you can and the trade-off of using Gems is more than worth it! Especially when you get that grand prize, the Ancient God Hero Scroll.

A useful metaphor for this strategy would be American Football. Each revive is like a down and your aim is to inch closer towards the end with each down before your run out of attempts.

Preparing your Heroes

That isn’t to say that you should give up on upgrading your Heroes at all. While you will be relying on Gems to fuel your progress, you still need to hit a minimum threshold of power to even be eligible to use this strategy. Otherwise, you’re just going to get wiped out immediately with zero progress, no fun at all. You should be aiming to inflict at least some damage and make incremental progress each time before reviving yourself to move through each stage.

You will absolutely need a team full of evolved 6-star Heroes if you want to make progress viable. Having at least one or two fully Awakened or Transcended Heroes will make the process smoother. You still want to maximize your team’s power as much as you can so you can minimize the amount of Gems you require in general.

There are also some specific Heroes, load-outs and strategies you can use to maximize your team’s ability to make it through 19 and 20.

You should look to equip your Heroes with optimal Runes types. Attack and Magic Runes just won’t cut it at the higher levels of the game. Evasion, Warrior and Vampire type Runes are fantastic all-round Runes and will help you in both PvE and PvP situations and you should be collecting these types of Runes from Raids and using them on your Heroes for other aspects of the game anyway. Philosopher Runes are more PvP focused, but are still an amazing all-round Rune type, giving you a 10% boost in starting Energy for a set of two on a Hero.

Try to obtain 6-star Runes with Hero-relevant stats and dump your Gold into upgrading them as much as you can. The difference between, for example, a Hero equipped with four average Attack Runes versus one equipped with strong Warrior and Vampire Runes in sets of two each, can be night and day. Rune type, grade and level make a huge difference and it’s well worth the investment to get sets of +15 6-star complementary runes.

Another useful tip is to try and make friends with people who have powerful Representative Heroes, especially if they’re Transcended, so you can summon them during battle. Having a powerful Transcended Hero fighting alongside your team can help a lot and strengthen any area of deficiencies you may have, especially if you’re lacking a Transcended heavy-hitter yourself. You can also opt to use a friends’ Tank Hero like Atmos if you think your team has enough offensive firepower and could instead use some more defensive solidity.

A lot of the enemies in Hell 19 are Water attribute so having some strong Earth attribute Heroes is going to be a great help for your progress. Stage 19.10 also features the Water attribute character Lumie as the final boss.

Hell 20 transitions more towards Earth attribute enemies with some Fire attribute enemies thrown in, most notably Massa, a powerful Fire Melee character, as the final boss in 20.10 so having some strong Fire and Water Heroes will be helpful here.

Knowing which enemy types are present and their characteristics can give you a massive edge. The Starfish Shaman enemies are particularly dangerous as their powerful Magic attacks can one-shot your Heroes quite easily. The Sturgeon and Shark Knight enemies you face in 19 have a host of nasty Harmful Effects attached to their attacks, such as Bleed. You’re also going to face many Phantom Knights throughout 19, who are Fire attribute Melee characters and have deadly Crowd Control skills. Having strong Water attribute Tanks and Melee Heroes can significantly mitigate their impact. Try and see which of your Heroes can help counteract the enemies you face.

Stand-out Heroes

Divana is going to be a hugely helpful Hero in these harder Scenario stages. Her shield, procured by her Active skill, makes herself and her allies completely immune to damage. Timing this correctly can completely change the tide of battle, negating damage that would otherwise wipe out your team.

Prospera’s Leader Skill can be a game-changer as it provides a 50% HP boost to all allies in the backline and give you enough of a buffer to get some attacks off and improve your position. If you have Prospera you should absolutely utilize her and her Leader Skill.

Other Heroes who will prove to be especially useful in Scenario 19 and 20 include:

Zemer and Atmos are two of the best Tanks in the game. Not only can they ensure their own longevity but they also provide a bunch of benefits, shields and buffs to the rest of your team that will help them survive longer as well.

Check out our Hero Spotlight on Zemer to find out how to best utilize him:

Blith is also worth a mention as a viable endgame Tank, he operates as more of a Healer/Tank hybrid than Zemer and Atmos.

Marcus, Styx, Kadus and Ramia are all great Support Heroes who can provide healing, team buffs as well as strip opponents of their beneficial effects, an ability Divana lacks. Having strong, capable Support Heroes is going to be important in giving you enough time and opportunity to inflict damage on your enemies.

Glen is currently the best Melee Hero in the game with Lucius not far behind. These two will be your best bets for Melee Heroes to use. Other Melee Heroes who may prove useful include Mei and a fully Transcended Level 66 version of Melvin.

Besides Prospera, you can also use Lin as a Ranged Hero. Lin is incredible in PvE situations and will do well as a Ranged Hero in 19 and 20, especially in 19 where she will have the attribute advantage against the majority of enemies.

You can read more about Lin here:

Alexis, Oliver and Patricia are the most powerful Magic Heroes with the most applicable skill sets for clearing 19 and 20. They have high DPS as Magic Heroes and powerful, useful effects such as Freeze, Transform, Weaken, and Slowdown to accompany the damage they inflict.

The over-arching team concept should be to create the correct balance. You’ll need an offense and defense that allows you to survive long enough to actually attack but also gives enough firepower to your attacks that they count when they land. The enemies you face will deal high amounts of damage and also have high defensive stats and HP pools. It’s called Hell after all!

To summarize, the most effective strategy to clear Hell 19 and 20 is:

Save up Gems — Remember the inching forward mentality.
Strengthen your team — A full team of 6-star Heroes is the aim.
High-level Runes and Accessories — Push that team even higher with the best gear.
Grind — You’re going to have to accept that there will be some grinding out Hell 19 and 20.

We hope you enjoyed this guide and that it helps you overcome the challenges of 19 and 20. Let us know what you thought of the guide and if you have any other comments!



DH Suh
PlayDapp Games

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