Your guide to using Uniswap or Quickswap to get PLA

PlayDapp Team
PlayDapp Games
Published in
7 min readJun 11, 2021

Read on to find out just how you can get PLA via these two liquidity pools.

PlayDapp gamers we know that the world of PlayDapp is exciting with lots to do. Of course, to take advantage of it all, you’ll need PLA, the Native token of PlayDapp. So how do you get it?

We’ve got a guide for you, showing exactly how you can get PLA, via two liquidity pools. Uniswap on Ethereum or Quick swap for Polygon. This guide will take you through the basics of all of them.

How to use Liquidity Pools to get PLA

Uniswap — Ethereuem based Liquidity Pool.

For Uniswap, the process has a lot more freedom. You’re able to select the exact tokens you want to swap. As you do, you’ll see the different amounts that you’ll receive, depending on the pair trade.

Step 1— Navigate to Uniswap

The first step is to navigate to Uniswap and connect your wallet. Make sure you connect the correct wallet.

Step 2 — Navigate to the PLA-ETH pairing

You can search for the PLA-ETH pairing using the search function on the main site or simply use the URL below.

Find the official V2 Uniswap pairing at:

It’s important to make sure you’re using the official pair. Remember you can always check these things via the Pair information section.

When you’re satisfied, navigate to the trade section for the pair.

Step 3 — Decide the swap pair.

When you’re in the trade area, you’ll see the swap pair load for PLA-ETH, to change to swap ETH (or any other token) for PLA click on the arrow in the middle to switch the trade direction.

To find the token you hold that you want to swap for PLA, click on the drop-down menu for the token you’ll be using as the base token.

You can either find the token by name or by token address. Again, make sure you’re using the true token.

When you've found the token you want to swap for PLA you’ll have to move to the next step, deciding the amount.

For this guide, we’ll be using ETH.

Step 4— Decide the swap amount.

Enter the amount of the base token you want to swap for PLA (in this case ETH). For the guide, we’re using a small amount, 0.000812 ETH.

Currently, PLA is swappable via V2 of Uniswap so you’ll need to click the ‘trade with V2’ button to allow the swap.

Once you have clicked the ‘trade with V2’ button the swap widget will automatically convert the base token (ETH) and show you the amount of PLA you will receive.

When you’re happy with the swap amount, click “swap” to be taken to the next step.

Step 5 — Confirm and execute the swap.

In the confirmation screen, you’ll be able to see the final details before you execute the swap. You can check things like the slippage tolerance and minimum amount you’ll receive.

When you’re happy with these details click ‘confirm swap’. Then confirm the transaction in your wallet. Remember this is the final step before transferring your tokens. Click “Confirm” and the transaction will be submitted.

You’ll get the ‘Transaction Submitted’ prompt, as well as the pending indication in the top right of the Uniswap interface.

You can close the ‘Transaction Submitted’ prompt and the transaction will still process. Once it has you’ll see your transaction on the recent Transactions area of the PLA-ETH pairing.

Congratulations, you now have PLA in your wallet from Uniswap, go and use it across the PlayDapp ecosystem.

QuickSwap — Liquidity Pool, Polygon

For Quickswap you again have a lot of freedom on how you swap for PLA You’re able to select the exact tokens you want to swap. As you do, you’ll see the different amounts that you’ll receive, depending on the pair trade.

Don’t have any Tokens on the Polygon Network?

If you don’t have any tokens on the Polygon Network, you can easily add them by using the ‘Buy’ function.

In the swap area, along the top bar, you’ll see the link to buy. The process is easy and can be completed with a credit card. Simply click buy and fulfill the simple KYC process and you’ll have MATIC, ready to turn to PLA!

Converting MATIC, or another token to PLA

Step 1 — Navigate to Quick Swap

The first step is to navigate to Uniswap and connect your wallet. Make sure you connect the correct wallet. You should also make sure you are on the Polygon Network.

Step 2 — Navigate to the PLA-WETH pairing

You can search for the PLA-ETH pairing using the search function on the main site or simply use the URL below.

Find the official Quickswap pairing at:

It’s important to make sure you’re using the official pair. Remember you can always check these things via the Pair information section.

When you’re satisfied, navigate to the trade section for the pair.

Step 3 — Decide the swap pair.

When you’re in the trade area, you’ll see the swap pair load for MATIC-PLA. If you want to swap the other way, you can click on the arrow in the middle to switch the trade direction.

To find the token you hold that you want to swap for PLA, click on the drop-down menu for the token using as the base token.

You can either find the token by name or by token address. Again, make sure you’re using the true token.

When you’ve found the token you want to swap for PLA you’ll have to move to the next step, deciding the amount.

For this guide, we’ll be using MATIC.

Step 4 — Decide the swap amount.

Enter the amount of the base token you want to swap for PLA (in this case MATIC). For the guide, we’re using a small amount, 0.0161091 Matic. As you enter the amount you’ll be swapping, the swap widget will automatically convert the base token (MATIC) and show you the amount of PLA you will receive.

You’ll also be able to check things like the slippage tolerance and minimum amount you’ll receive. When you’re happy with these details click ‘swap’.

You’ll then get the final confirmation details prompt, if you’re happy with these details then click ‘Confirm Swap’.

Step 5 — Confirm and execute the swap.

Your connected wallet will then need you to confirm the transaction. Remember this is the final step before transferring your tokens. Click “Confirm” and the transaction will be submitted. A handy tip is to leave the Gas price (GWEI) set to 1 to allow as smooth a transaction as possible.

You’ll get the ‘Transaction Submitted’ prompt, as well as the pending indication in the top right of the Uniswap interface.

You can close the ‘Transaction Submitted’ prompt and the transaction will still process. Once it has you’ll get a confirmation of the transaction from your wallet and you’ll be able to see it confirmed on the Matic Mainnet explorer.

Congratulations, you now have PLA in your wallet from Quickswap, go and use it across the PlayDapp ecosystem.



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