‘Bitches Get Personal’ During a Pandemic

It’s Personal in collaboration with The Bitchery of History.

Julia Stier
Players, Performers, & Portrayers


Art by Lauren Cierzan

The LA-based theatre company It’s Personal has been in the business of creating solo performances long before COVID-19 made it the thing to do.

Founded by co-Artistic Directors Liz Kummer and Riley Billingsley, the company brings to the stage solo performance pieces written and performed by a rotating cast. The stories shared range from hilarious to heartbreaking, but what they all have in common is their honesty and authenticity.

Giving More Than Stories

It’s Personal is also committed to giving back to the community, and a portion of the proceeds from each show go to a different organization. Some of the beneficiaries of this gesture have included:

Child’s Play Charity
Planned Parenthood
Philando Castile Scholarship
Downtown Women’s Center
BRCA Foundation
Inner-City Arts
Heart of Los Angeles
Peace Over Violence
National Eating Disorder Association
Los Angeles Action Bail…



Julia Stier
Players, Performers, & Portrayers

Julia Stier is an LA-based actress and playwright. She is also the creator and editor of Players, Performers, & Portrayers. juliastier.com