“There was a need in me to write diverse stories” — Dorothea Gloria

The actress and playwright talks about starting her own theatre company.

Julia Stier
Players, Performers, & Portrayers


Dorothea Gloria is a New York-based actress and playwright from the Philippines, and the co-founder of TeamTheatre, a “collection of multinational artists committed to fostering and creating living art for New York City and places around the globe.”

Below, Gloria shares a bit about how she ended up in NYC, the differences between the theatre scene in The Big Apple and the Philippines, and how she’s bringing the stories she wants to see to life.

Who are you, and how did you get to where you are today?

My name is Dorothea Gloria. I started out my acting journey back in the Philippines. During high school, I couldn’t decide what club to join, and back then, my mentor, Ana Valdes-Lim, invited me to join METTA, the acting club of my school. Fast forward to the end of college, I never left her side all throughout. She was the first Filipino to graduate from Juilliard and she would always tell stories about performing in New York City. It was always such a treat to listen to her stories, that I told myself that I’d want to have my own acting stories in the big city. Three years after college, I found…



Julia Stier
Players, Performers, & Portrayers

Julia Stier is an LA-based actress and playwright. She is also the creator and editor of Players, Performers, & Portrayers. juliastier.com