How to Create a Playfix GPT

Tobias Abdon
The Playfix Chronicles
2 min readFeb 21, 2024

Playfix GPTs are custom chatbots for web3 and blockchain projects. In this article I will explain how to create a good one.

Step 1: Gather Company Info

The first step is to gather information about the project. Here is what you’ll need:

  • Project name
  • A short description (one sentence)
  • The project logo/icon (has to be light color as it will be displayed on a dark background)
  • Links, such as the homepage, Twitter/X, Telegram, YouTube

Step 2: Gather Sites & Docs

You can add custom knowledge to the GPT in the form of sites and docs (must be PDFs). Here are some examples:

  • Sites, such as the homepage, documentation, etc
  • Docs, such as the white paper or pitch decks

Step 3: Create the Playfix GPT

This step assumes you have an account at

  1. Open
  2. Click the New Chatbot button.
  3. Fill out the Company Info section and click the Save button.
  4. Add the project icon
  5. Add links.
  6. Add docs.
  7. Test the chatbot by clicking on the Chat button in the lower right of the browser window.

Step 4: Let us know it’s ready

We are currently screening all chatbots for now (will open it up in the future). After you have created your chatbot, email from the email account you used on We will review your chatbot. If it was created correctly we will publish it and give your account points.

How-To Video

Here’s a video showing how to create a Playfix GPT.

