Playfix revolutionizes the industry by using Shakudo to connect to the blockchain

The Playfix Chronicles
5 min readOct 19, 2022
shakudo : playfix case study banner with logos

The gaming industry is one of the foremost that was deeply influenced by the arising of blockchain technology. Web3 games are viral and it has already been called “the future of economy” and “the future of work”. Game developers have now the challenge of added complexity when working with blockchain technology and this is currently acting as a resistance to a new flow of games that are interactive, engaging, and, most importantly, fun.

Playfix and the future of web3 game development

Games are primarily a form of entertainment, so when creating a web3 game, developers have to make sure that the game is fun and engaging for players while also rewarding them with NFTs. Balancing both things has proven to be a challenge, especially for small teams of engineers. Playfix is the solution that takes care of the infrastructure and backend so game developers can focus on what they do best: making fun games.

“Game developers have realized that it is so much harder to create web3 games. They wanted to take advantage of the revolution in web3 gaming but at the same time it’s almost twice as hard to add the web3 features, especially for small teams” Joey Alarilla, Head of Content of Playfix, said.

Using Playfix, you don’t need blockchain engineers and other expensive resources you would usually have to get. They provide an all-in-one solution with all APIs they need and a game economy that would take months to build and can be created in just one day.

What was Playfix trying to do?

One of Playfix’s main requirements was to give developers the whole visibility of their blockchain gaming data. That includes how many NFTs were minted and what kind of transactions are happening in wallets. For example, If someone creates a contract or wallet inside Playfix, it starts being tracked. Playfix uses that data to render graphs into their application and show it to the user immediately.

shakudo playfix : crypto wallet illustration

And for Playfix, their role is also to make it super easy for changes to happen inside a game. They wanna give the possibility for games to start at some point and once they’re operating, see what’s happening and adjust things so that their economy is always doing well and the players are happy. Tobias Abdon, Playfix founder, and CEO, also says that “Shakudo is at the heart of these things. We didn’t see anyone else that could help us achieve that goal”.

“Shakudo is at the heart of these things. We didn’t see anyone else that could help us achieve that goal”. — Tobias Abdon, Playfix founder and CEO

What was their challenge?

The problem is that a lot of companies assume that there are not a lot of contracts out there being created so it’s not necessary to have something that dynamic. This is not what we see for emerging Startups, especially when it comes to web3 gaming.

“No game economy is designed once and then left. When you look at Axie Infinity, for example, they started with one model. Once they saw how the gameplay was happening, what people were doing, trying to make more money with the NFTs, leveraging the system to their advantage, they had to adjust things to stop that.” Abdon said.

The Playfix team was looking for a flexible way to get and work with blockchain data and also deploy their environment without having to hire a whole team of blockchain and backend engineers to figure out all APIs and connections they needed.

They instead got to focus their attention on what was most important. In Abdon’s words: “We have a team who will work with developers to succeed. There are a lot of important decisions to make, from which blockchain to use, to designing how the game interacts with the blockchain elements. We are here to provide that expertise”

“The team at Shakudo was really helpful to listen to what we needed and they helped us build exactly the solution for that. We interface on a weekly basis, the team and the product are both irreplaceable to us”, he added.

How did Shakudo help?

The Playfix team wanted to immediately track any token activities related to that game and plot it in a way that people can see all the top games and players.

The problem is that the blockchain is organized in blocks of transactions, but that’s often not the way you need this information to be queried for your application. You need to organize the data in a way that allows developers to query it by address, for example. Shakudo comes in as an easy solution to not only deploy their frontend, but also provide the data from the Polygon chain in a way that it’s already organized and easy to use.

But after getting all the data you also need to figure out a way to process and scale your backend to support everything you’re receiving. Shakudo is an end-to-end platform that provides not only the means to get the data you need but also a place to manage the data you’re receiving. Everything is delivered in the most integrated and easy way possible so developers don’t have to worry about the necessary DevOps aspect of development and focus on the building.

shakudo playfix : data graph illustration

In the future, Playfix can also use this data to provide game analytics to its users. For example, it’ll be able to track and recommend types of games a player shows more interest in or even notify users about in-game activities or promotions. This easy-to-use technology will allow developers to take blockchain games to another level.

Shakudo also offers real-time data-streaming for Polygon, Ethereum, and Solana. This type of solution can also easily be applied for the creation of other applications using blockchain data like NFT marketplaces, for example. For Playfix, Shakudos stood out from competitors for providing the data in a way that is already indexed, meaning you can easily group or query it as you need.

When you come across this same problem as Playfix, the other choices you have is to either build this solution in-house or get pay-by-usage APIs and figure out the connections yourself. But of course, those are both expensive options that require significantly more team effort regarding the development and future maintenance. This takes away your focus from your initial goal of building infrastructure.

So don’t be afraid of blockchain technology. Either if you’re looking to build your dream web3 game or connect to the blockchain in a dynamic and flexible way, there are passionate teams with the solutions you need to make that possible. The future of blockchain is already here. Learn more about Playfix and Shakudo missions.



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