Shakudo and web3: Empowering developers with data technology

Joey Alarilla
The Playfix Chronicles
4 min readSep 30, 2022
Photo of Shakudo co-founders (l-r) Stella Wu, Yevgeniy Vahlis, and Christine Yuen
Shakudo co-founders (l-r) Stella Wu, Yevgeniy Vahlis, and Christine Yuen. Image credit: Shakudo

Data is the lifeblood of modern organizations. This is even more true as businesses begin the transition from web2 to web3, and strive to remain competitive in the fourth industrial age, which is characterized by automation enabled by artificial intelligence.

As Shakudo Development Advocate Sabrina Aquino pointed out, however, automation is an even bigger challenge for startups.

“The problem is that this is not a trivial thing for companies to do themselves. They usually spend millions of dollars trying to automate and manage their systems with cloud, DevOps, and engineers. But if you’re a medium-sized startup, you don’t really have that option.

“Let’s use the example of a company that wants to build a new web3 application. There are three main things they need to figure out: Where will it be built? Where will it run? And what will intermediate its communication with the blockchain? Instead of using three different products that solve each one of those pieces individually and then try to communicate them with each other, Shakudo allows them to just wrap all of it in one single platform,” Aquino said.

Shakudo is a data technology company that is based in Canada, but has a team working remotely all over the world. It aims to provide developers with an all-in-one platform for building applications and molding these into anything they want.

What is the story behind Shakudo?

“Shakudo started to be built on nights and weekends by the three co-founders Yevgeniy Vahlis, Stella Wu, and Christine Yuen in 2020. Originally it would be a natural language processing platform to analyze large-scale code repositories. It would analyze previously written code by developers and create their resume. But it seemed that people were much more interested in the platform they had built to create their product on than the product itself.

“Little by little Shakudo was captivating the market and leaders of large companies started to show interest in the platform and notice its potential, so in 2021 a US$3.4 million seed round was raised,” Aquino said.

Shakudo is focused on building a community, and helping people turn ideas into solutions.

“We want to be as flexible as possible, allowing people to integrate any tools that they want into their workflow and having them operate seamlessly with the platform. That’s not something you easily find in the market today but is very important if you want to future-proof your product,” said Shakudo Co-Founder and CEO Yevgeniy Vahlis.

One of the companies that has benefited from using Shakudo’s data platform is Playfix, whose blockchain game platform allows developers to easily build, launch, and grow web3 games.

Playfix is using the Shakudo platform to power its analytics engine. The Shakudo platform allowed Playfix to dynamically track new tokens, non-fungible tokens (NFTs), and wallets.

“The other solutions that we looked at made it very difficult to start tracking these resources exactly when our customers created them. Shakudo came to the rescue and let us start tracking these things as soon as they were created. Now we have a data-rich console that helps our customers know exactly what’s happening,” said Playfix Founder and CEO Tobias Abdon.

“This partnership with Playfix brings great exposure for Shakudo in the web3 gaming market, which is one with prevalent use of data and data platforms. This allows us to reach more people who might also benefit from the Shakudo platform,” Aquino said.

As part of Shakudo’s vision of using data to change the world for the better, the company has also launched the Rakkudo movement.

Rakkudo was born with the idea of starting a shift in how most NFT projects are being developed today. We are people united by the same purpose, seeking to learn things from each other and our community is a place to find connections, tools, and events we can use to achieve these goals. Through the creation of partnerships with other communities of web2 and web3 developers, we will build one place where both worlds meet where they have the most common, which is lots of available data.

“That way, web2 data scientists can dive into the world of web3, while blockchain builders can learn more about how machine learning and data analysis can benefit them. The idea is to be a place where there is no distinction between web formats and everyone can come together to use data in an intelligent way and use the newest technologies available on the market,” Aquino said.

How about you? Are you ready to transform your business and change the world?



Joey Alarilla
The Playfix Chronicles

Storyteller | Catalyst | Digital advocate | Techno-optimist | Gamer | Champions technology for good | Follow me on Twitter: @joeyalarilla