Discipline is Guiding Children

Jamie White
Playfully App
Published in
2 min readOct 15, 2018

Let’s talk about discipline! Sometimes when we think of “discipline”, we think of “punishment” or “control”, but it doesn’t have to mean that. Especially with young children 1.5 years old and up, discipline is actually about imparting knowledge, guiding them, and helping them learn what is expected.

Young children learn best when “good” behavior is encouraged and when they feel safe and secure. So the key is nurturing a close relationship, having clear rules, and having realistic expectations.

So what do you do when you see challenging behavior? Remember that the behavior you’re seeing is just the “tip of the iceberg”. For these young children, behavior is often an expression of their feelings since they don’t have the words to express themselves. If you can get to the root cause of a behavior, it will be easier to find discipline strategies that are sensitive and effective.

This week, when you feel triggered or flustered by your child’s behavior, try to take a deep breath, take a short break if you need it, and try to have a curious mindset. What might have triggered this behavior? What am I learning about my child’s temperament and about my own emotional responses? Does that change the way you attempt to address the behavior?

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Jamie White
Playfully App

California local who enjoys sunshine, Slurpees and thrift shopping.