
Jaya Berged
Playground | Be You
1 min readSep 28, 2021

step step step
she hears you coming
shines a spotlight
into your soul

it’s not like
being called out
in a classroom
surrounded by
bored, judgy, hostile faces
waiting for you
to mess up
or say the wrong thing

it’s more like
stepping onto
a lit stage
in a darkened theatre
all eyes on you
all ears, all senses, all heart

they showed up TO listen
they’ve bought tickets

in the past
being seen or heard
meant that
someone gave up
time and tasks
to deal with you
and that
became a debt
that needed
to be repaid

but when she
takes her seat
in that darkened theatre
paid for with
her time, care, heart

and when she
shines that spotlight
into your soul
not to scrutinize
but to See

and when she
patiently attends
the entirety of your
unrehearsed performance

as you pour out
the entirety of your
own heart and soul

she somehow
experiences it
as not a burden
but a joy

and step step step
you see her coming
she pays to attend
your show again

