Monday Musing #18šŸ¦øšŸ½

Mostly about the Flash Movie

MadJay Zero
Playing Fearless
3 min readNov 12, 2023


Calle Bringing the HEAT

This week, I watched The Flash movie on Amazon. There are Spoilers in Here! I gotta say Sasha Calle is my favorite Superman version ever. I love the tighter General Zod narrative, but I didnā€™t see Man of Steel. Keaton is beautifully nostalgic for me. I was that non-believer that a stand-up comedian could ever be a good Batman. Keaton kills it as old man Wayne.

And missing your momā€¦man, thatā€™ll never get old for me. I never had a shot at a good relationship with my mom; I wish we could have had more time.

But first. Ezra Miller. Iā€™d be some kinda A-hole to ignore all the baggage that comes with this actor. As a rule, I do not fanboy celebrities. I donā€™t dig into their lives, politics, and religions ā€” I just wanna consume the art, the work. I want them to keep their human shit to themselves and out of my awareness because you and I know we fall down. We humans fall down, we make mistakes, and some of us are real pieces of dung. I feel like celebrities 10X this. And then, the trending behavior bubbles up into my curated yard, and I have to make choices. Taylor Swift and Travis Kelce are BIG NEWS in my town of KC. I donā€™t follow either of them, but their combined might joined -punched right through to my work environment. They both donated big dollars to a social service agency I work with; thatā€™s a good example. My rubric is all out of whack these days. So I donā€™t have answers for you. There are places I boycott, actors I wonā€™t watch, places I wonā€™t go ā€” but Iā€™ll never preach to you about these things. I watched the Flash movie because I like superhero stories, especially alternate version stories. </rant>

ANYWAY, I missed out on the Superman lore from The Man of Steel movie; I didnā€™t see it. I love the idea that Kal-El has the Kryptonian codex infused in his DNA. And Zod wants it to remake Krypton. I love Karaā€™s WHOLE story in The Flash. I love her unfettered, unchained, angry use of her powers. ā€œI am not Human, Iā€™m Kryptonianā€ is my new Battle Cry!! I liked seeing Zodā€™s invasion as a ā€˜rallyā€™ point in The Flash, a sort of ā€œwhere were you when?ā€ for Barry Allen. Itā€™s what Iā€™d do in a Supers RPG.

Oh, did I mention I never liked Superman?!

I donā€™t. Itā€™s me. My background, culture, and how I grew up. This isnā€™t a Superman is bad or sucks, this is I donā€™t like Okra. I just cannot grok Superman stories. Iā€™d take the Martian Manhunter as the poster alien over Kal any day. General Zod, I get this Kryptonian mission-driven general and his cohort here and in the Man of Steel. Kara Zor-El, Iā€™m in love with, imprisoned in Siberia?! Mad AF, WTF!? Why are some of the best superhero stories from ā€˜What Ifā€™ type beginnings? I hope we see more of Kara and Keaton.

Originally published at



MadJay Zero
Playing Fearless

Freelance game designer, professional gamemaster, and host of the Diceology podcast. I throw dice at the world.