Monday Musings #46 šŸ‘¹āš”ļø

The Exorcist and the Three Musketeers.

MadJay Zero
Playing Fearless
3 min readMay 6, 2024


what if Mazarin was the chief exorcistā€¦

I FINALLY got to see The Three Musketeers: Dā€™Artagnan. I streamed it this week from Amazon. I saw it was out when Prime streamed ads for part II!! I wanted to see it in the theatre, but it seems like it didnā€™t make it to KC. I was never a fan; this is Disneyā€™s fault. I thought the movies, shows, and media versions were what the books were about, and that was all too sappy for me. It was late in life when I discovered the original material was more grim. Dā€™Artagnan gets thugged-up like opening scene! The rest of our Musketeers are harden, broken veterans! Now re-imagine the whole affair, but they also work with an exorcist!! Thatā€™s what Iā€™m doing with Miseries & Misfortunes! ya like that segue! Iā€™ve been reading the Captain Altriste series, the two part Musketeers movie was also on my research list. Iā€™ve started my ā€˜re-read for playā€™ of Miseries & Misfortunes. There is a very nice mechanic in there for supernatural things and forbidden books-Iā€™m leaning heavily on that! I hope to get a small game series going in June, likely online.

Weā€™ve returned to The Outer Rim Blues, my Edge of the Empire RPG series. Weā€™ve had a couple of weeks off for IRL interruptions. We ended things during a vehicle fight on a docking pad on Nar Shadda-right as the party split into two groups. Our smuggler/pilot left to remove the refugees from the battle scene; the others stayed to keep Kanjiklub engaged on the docking pad. I wasnā€™t feeling that fight X+ weeks later, and we were on a shorter time frame this session. Edge of the Empire has a One Roll Combat Check mechanic hidden away at the end of the book under optional. With a tiny bit of effort, this can be a One Roll Resolution mechanic. As it is written, it assumes the players will win the combat encounter and are just going through the motions šŸ™„. The mechanic has players rolling for one last action, which determines the cost. Burning Wheel also has a one-roll mechanic but is more explicit. Say whatā€™s at stake, build pools, and roll the dice. For our session, weā€™ve got Drace, our smuggler pilot, flying a shot-up Uber hover bus of refugees, the Uber-droid, and a Gank from the Gozanti crew. Kanjiklub on speeder-bikess are in blaster range. At stake, can the player reach the destination before Kanjuklub shoots down the bus, leaving everyone stranded some ways from their destination? It helps that Edge of the Empire has those rich dice of success-failure, advantages-threat, and triumph-despair. These help color the results. Iā€™d argue many games, especially trad ones can use their core mechanic to the same effect. Iā€™d like to see more games add the idea of a one-roll resolution mechanic as another tool in the moderator kit.

šŸŽ² Mars Express is an IRL movie, not a Netflix series. I guess Iā€™m going to the theatre this week!

šŸŽ² Prepping Mothership: The Kuiper Belt Anamoly for Sandbox Sundays IRL. Iā€™m drafting up a point-depth crawl map of the alien construct abandoned in the cold, rocky void of the Kuiper Belt.

Knock, knock!

šŸŽ² Code-slinging for Grimoires FKA Wizardtime, my Wizard survival-sandbox CRPG, coming to Steam -one day!šŸ˜

Hello? Money callingā€¦

Catch ya next week!

Originally published at



MadJay Zero
Playing Fearless

Freelance game designer, professional gamemaster, and host of the Diceology podcast. I throw dice at the world.