How I use Obsidian in my Fiction Writing Process, Part 1

Writing my first novel overwhelmed me until I started using Obsidian for my fiction writing too.

Kat Moody
Playing With Words


Screenshot of the author’s file folder setup in Obsidian.

I’m currently writing my first novel. I technically started writing this book almost two and a half years ago.

Except I never really started to write, aside from a few notes.

I spent years distracted by all the shiny things before I settled in to seriously start writing it last year. Then I ran into other issues.

I’m a long-time user of Ulysses and (used to) love it. So when I started dedicating time to writing every day, I used Ulysses.

Until I lost a chapter after one of my morning sprints.

It just went ‘poof!’ 😱

The whole chapter was gone with no warning. I researched and discovered this could have happened because of how it syncs with iCloud.

Of course, it was a glitch. And glitches happen. But at the time, I was excited and in the groove while I typed away on my chapter. I had written over 3,000 words during my sprint that morning and was so proud.

Only to lose it all.

I have limited time to write for myself each day since I work and am a caregiver too, so…



Kat Moody
Playing With Words

Wife. Mom. Writer. Advocate. Imperfect Christian. In our home: Autism, Epilepsy, Rare Disease & Awesomeness. Addicted to coffee. >>