How I use Obsidian in my Fiction Writing Process, Part 2

Kat Moody
Playing With Words
Published in
7 min readFeb 18, 2023


More notes on how I used Obsidian in my fiction writing process. This is part 2 — how I use Obsidian in my Character Development!

This is part of a series. If you haven’t already read Part 1 on how I use Obsidian in my fiction writing, you can check that out below👇

Digging into More Specifics — Using Obsidian in my Fiction Writing

So, in the first part of using Obsidian for fiction writing, I went over all my reasons for setting up my process this way.

I introduced readers to the joy of bidirectional linking, aliases between Obsidian pages, and how I link my character profile page to the first use of that character in the book. These all work together to give me a birds-eye view of my fiction writing project.

The power of using Obsidian in this phase of writing my fiction book is truly revealed when I explain more about how I use and set up my system:

  • How I explore my characters and get into their heads,
  • YAML frontmatter, and
  • How I use all that YAML frontmatter and tagging to filter specific views. This allows me to track a ton of



Kat Moody
Playing With Words

Wife. Mom. Writer. Advocate. Imperfect Christian. In our home: Autism, Epilepsy, Rare Disease & Awesomeness. Addicted to coffee. >>