How I’ve Started Remembering What I’ve Read

I use, Spaced Repetition (lite), and Obsidian to help remind me of the best things I’ve read and heard.

Kat Moody
Playing With Words


Photo by Green Chameleon on Unsplash

I am a natural speed reader. You’d think, since I read so many books, I would be swimming in quotes and amazing little stories from all that I’ve read.

But my memory doesn’t really work that way.

Instead, I tend to remember bits and pieces. I’ve written about my memory issues before, but for those unaware, because of my CPTSD and ADD, I have trouble with some long-term memories and with day-to-day memories. And also with focusing while I read (sometimes).

It’s frustrating.

So I use different tools and techniques to help remember the things important to me, like quotes and stories, facts and figures, even my own memories of the past.

After years of trying one technique after another, I’ve settled on three different tools/ways to help me remember the things I read.

Keep in mind this doesn’t discount the importance of journaling in general and bullet journaling through the day.



Kat Moody
Playing With Words

Wife. Mom. Writer. Advocate. Imperfect Christian. In our home: Autism, Epilepsy, Rare Disease & Awesomeness. Addicted to coffee. >>