JobTribes Scholarship Overview【English】

Digital Entertaiment Asset Pte. Ltd.
Published in
11 min readNov 26, 2021

Scholarship system will be implemented in JobTribes on December 14th.

This article explains the details of the scholarship and the changes that will be made with the launch of the scholarship.

Key Points

1. With the Scholarship system, users with JobTribes NFTs will be able to lend out their NFT-enhanced Amulets, and other users will be able to borrow the Amulets for gameplay!

2. At the same time as the launch of the Scholarship feature, a new quest called “NFT Quests” will open. NFT Quests are quests that can only be participated in with NFT-enhanced Amulets and offer more DEAPcoin than regular quests.

3. There are three types of NFT Quests: Legendary Quest, Epic Quest, and Rare Quest. Each quest requires a minimum of six NFT-enhanced Amulets of the appropriate rarity to participate.

4. NFT Quests will be held for separate periods of time, and each period will be referred to as a “season.” Season 1 of NFT Quests will be held from 14:00 (UTC+8) Tuesday, December 14, 2021 to 11:59(UTC+8) Tuesday, January 18, 2022.

5. “Promotion Items” will be available for purchase at the start of Scholarship, and “Level Up Items” will be available during January 2022.

Table of Contents

1. Scholarship function

2. NFT Quests

3. Sales of promotion and level-up items

4. Changes with the start of Scholarship

5. Planned future updates

1. Scholarship function

1–1. What you can do with the Scholarship function
With the Scholarship function, users who own JobTribes NFTs can lend out NFT-enhanced Amulets, and other users can borrow them for gameplay. (Henceforth, the user who lent the Amulet is called the “Owner” and the user who borrowed the Amulet is called the “Scholar.)

1–2. How to use the Scholarship function


1) Purchasing of NFT
NFT can be purchased at NFT Marketplace by DEP ( A minimum of six NFTs of the same rarity is required to participate in the NFT Quests described below.

*Please note that even if you purchase more than one NFT of the same item, you will only get one Amulet.

2) Find a Scholar
Please advertise and contact your potential Scholar through the Scholarship channel on the official PlayMining discord ( or through external social networking sites to obtain their PlayMining ID (conversely, the Owners must provide their Scholars with their PlayMining ID).

*DEA would like to ask each user to be responsible for their own interactions on various social media.
*DEA is not involved in, does not provide any compensation for, and is not responsible for any interactions between users on various social media.

  • PlayMiningID: This ID is required to use the services provided by Digital Entertainment Asset Pte.Ltd. It can be found in the following section of the NFT Marketplace by DEP (

3) Lend to Scholars in the game
From the Scholarship page in JobTribes, select “Become an Owner,” enter the PlayMining ID of the user who will become your Scholar, and select the Amulet you wish to lend. The lending will then begin when the Scholar enters the Owner’s PlayMining ID in the game. In order to participate in the NFT Quests (see below), you need a deck of 6 Amulets of the same rarity.

4) Earn rewards through gameplay
All DEAPchecks earned by the Scholar during the period of lending the Amulet to the Scholar will be sent to the Owner’s gift box in JobTribes. After receiving the DEAPcheck in the gift box, the DEAPcheck* can be redeemed for DEAPcoin by clicking on “DEAPCHECK” on the top screen of JobTribes (see below) (The redeemed DEAPcoin will be credited to the user’s PlayMining Wallet*).

*DEAPcheck is an item that can be obtained in the JobTribes game. It can be exchanged for DEAPcoin.

*About PlayMining Wallet: The wallet function of the PlayMining service. You can find your wallet address on the NFT Marketplace by DEP ( at the following location (phone number verification is required to use the wallet function).

5) Distribution of Compensation to Scholars
The amount and method of distribution to Scholars should be determined in consultation with Scholars.

-Compensation example-
・Transfer money from the Owner’s PlayMining Wallet to Scholar’s PlayMining Wallet
・Transfer money from the Owner’s PlayMining Wallet to the owner’s external Wallet (MetaMask, etc.) and then to Scholar’s Wallet

*Transfers between PlayMining wallets and withdrawals to external wallets are subject to certain fees.

*DEA is not involved in, does not provide any compensation for, and is not responsible for any compensation distribution with the Scholar. Please note that DEA is unable to respond to any inquiries regarding compensation distribution.


1) Find an Owner
In the PlayMining Scholarship channel on the official PlayMining discord ( or on other external social networking sites you can advertise the recruitment and obtain the PlayMining ID of the user who will be your Owner.

*DEA would like to ask each user to be responsible for their own interactions on various social media.

*DEA will not be involved in, compensate for, or take any responsibility for any interactions between users on various social media.

2) Borrow an Amulets in the game

From the Scholarship page in JobTribes, select “Become a Scholar” and enter the PlayMining ID of the user who will be the Owner. The owner will then enter their PlayMining ID in the game, select the Amulets they wish to lend out, and the lending process will begin.

3) Earn rewards through gameplay
Use the Amulets borrowed from the Owner to play the game and earn DEAPcheck. If you have a deck consisted of 6 Amulets of the same rarity, you can participate in NFT Quests. (see below)

*Please note that all DEAPchecks earned while borrowing an Amulets from the Owner will be sent to the Owner’s PlayMining Wallet.

4) Distribution of compensation from the Owner
The amount of compensation to be received from the Owner and the method of distribution should be decided in consultation with the Owner.

*DEA is not involved in, does not provide any compensation for, and is not responsible for any compensation distribution with the Owner. Please note that DEA is unable to respond to any inquiries regarding compensation distribution.

1–3. Points to note when using the Scholarship

Use of the Scholarship function with multiple users
An Owner can have multiple Scholars, but a Scholar can only have only one Owner.

・Restrictions on lending the same type of Amulet

An Owner can only lend one Amulet of each type to a single Scholar. This means that even if an Owner has more than one Amulet of the same type, he/she can only lend one of those Amulets per Scholar.

・Amulet training and promotion by the Scholar
At the beginning of the Scholarship, Scholars will not be able to strengthen (promote or level-up) borrowed Amulets. Training and promotion function by Scholars will be implemented within the first few months of the Scholarship launch, with further details to be announced in due course.

Termination of the Scholarship
The Owner may terminate the scholarship at any time. However, the cancellation will take effect immediately, but after midnight (UTC) on the next day of termination.

It is also possible to request a mid-term cancellation from the Scholar, and if the Owner agrees, the cancellation will take place. If the owner agrees, the cancellation will take place after midnight (UTC) on the next day following the owner’s agreement. If the owner does not agree, the cancellation will take place 7 days after the date of the request.

・Retrieval of loaned Amulet (without mid-term cancellation)
The Owner can retrieve the Amulet loaned to the Scholar one by one. However, the retrieval will not be reflected immediately, but will be executed after midnight (UTC) of the next day when the retrieval is requested.

・Handling of Amulet and NFT while on loan to a Scholar
An Amulet that is on loan by its Owner cannot be used in the game by the Owner, nor can the NFT corresponding to that Amulet be listed on the NFT Marketplace by DEP.

Treatment of “Enhancement” by NFT
If the Owner has multiple NFTs of the same type and wants to lend a Scholar an Amulet enhanced by those NFTs, the Owner can specify how many NFTs the lending Amulet should be enhanced with.

Example 1) When the Owner has three identical NFTs and two corresponding identical Amulets, each of the two Amulets has the enhancement of three NFTs before being loaned out. In this situation, if you loan one Amulet to a Scholar and specify the enhancement given to that Amulet as “one NFT”, the Scholar will be loaned an Amulet with one NFT enhancement, and the Owner will be left with one Amulet with the enhancement of two NFTs.

Example 2) In Example 1, if an Amulet is loaned to the Scholar, and the enhancement given to the Amulet is specified as “3 NFTs”, then the Scholar will be loaned an Amulet with 3 NFTs of enhancement, and the Owner will be left with an Amulet without any enhancement.

In the case that the Scholar has an NFT in his/her possession and borrows from the Owner an Amulet enhanced with the same NFT, the enhancements from the NFT that the Scholar originally had will not extend to the Amulet borrowed from the Owner.

*Enhancements by NFTs: Owning NFTs will enhance your Amulet’s status in the JobTribes game by the number of NFTs you own. However, only a maximum of five NFT enhancements will be applied. Amulet enhancements with NFT only work for the same profession and the same attribute. Also, if you have more than one of the same Amulet, the NFT effect will be applied to all Amulets.

2. NFT Quests

2–1. What is NFT Quests?
“NFT Quests” are quests that can only be participated with six NFT-enhanced Amulet decks. There are three types of NFT Quests: Legendary Quest, Epic Quest, and Rare Quest, each with different requirements as follows.

· Legendary Quest: Requires a deck consisting of six Legendary Amulets.
· Epic Quest: Requires a deck consisting of six Epic Amulets.
· Rare Quest: Requires a deck consisting of six Rare Amulets.

*You cannot participate in NFT Quests with the deck consisted of Common Amulets.

2–2. Number of times you can participate in NFT Quests
You can challenge each stage that meets the participation requirements once a day.

Example) If a user has a deck with six Legendary Amulets and a deck with six Rare Amulets, he or she can participate in each stage of Legendary and Rare Quests once a day.

2–3. NFT Quests Contents
Each NFT quest has three difficulty settings: Normal, Hard, and Super Hard, and each consists of five stages (15 stages in total). Each stage can be challenged once a day (you can’t clear the same stage multiple times in a day to get rewards). If you are defeated, it does not count as one attempt and you can try again and again as long as your stamina lasts.

Each stage has a unique DEP reward, and you can earn a DEAPcheck for each stage you clear.

2–4. Set rewards for NFT Quests
The highest rarity Legendary Quest have the highest rewards, followed by Epic and Rare Quests. Each quest offers higher rewards as the difficulty of the stage increases.

2–5. Introduction of a seasonal system
Seasonal system?
NFT Quests are held over a period of time with each period referred to as “season”. Each season will run for approximately one month, and each season will include adjustments to the NFT Quest game content, reward settings, and the selling price of game training items (see below).

Season 1 of the NFT Quest will be held from Tuesday, December 14, 2021 14:00 (UTC+8) to Tuesday, January 18, 2022 11:59 (UTC+8).

・PvP Week
There will be a “PvP Week” where PvP will be held constantly for about a week after the end of each season. NFT Quests are closed during this time, but you can still play PvP at any time during this period. (Your stamina will be consumed as designated.)

The first PvP week is Tuesday, January18, 2022 15:00 (UTC+8) to Monday, 24 January 2022 7:59 (UTC+8).

・Standby Days
There will be one to several days of standby days after PvP week. During the standby day, NFT Quests and PvP will be closed, but we will be releasing some information about the next season, so please get ready for the next season.

3. Sales of Promotion Items and Level-up Items

We are planning to start selling “promotion items” in conjunction with the start of the Scholarship, and “Level-up Items” in January 2022.

3–1. Promotion* Items
This item has the effect of raising the level-up limit of Amulet and releasing new skills. There are a total of 24 promotion items, with 6 types of attributes and 4 types of rarity. One promotion can be achieved by using one promotion item of the same attribute and rarity as the Amulet you wish to raise the limit.

It will be sold in packs of three for each rarity. (Legendary Pack, Epic Pack, Rare Pack, Common Pack). It is random which attributes are included in the item.

*About Promotion: Increasing the upper limit of the Amulet’s level up. Each Amulet can be promoted up to three times.

*Prices vary from season to season

3–2. Level-up Item
This item has the effect of raising the Amulet’s level to its maximum. As with promotion items, there are a total of 24 items, with 6 types of attributes and 4 types of rarity. By using one level-up item of the same attribute and rarity as the Amulet you wish to level up, you can raise the level of that Amulet to its maximum.

Example) If used on an Amulet that has never been promoted, it will increase its level to 20; if used on an Amulet that has been promoted 3 times, it will increase its level to 50.

The sales method is the same as for promotion items (sold in packs of three for each rarity, with a random selection of items of each attribute).

*Prices vary from season to season

4. Changes with the launch of the Scholarship

4–1. Revision of rewards for payday, lottery events, and PvP
Each compensation will be revised with the launch of the Scholarship. Further details will be announced at a later date.

4–2. DEAPcheck redemption deadline:
With the start of the NFT Quests, the DEAPcheck redemption deadline will be changed as follows.

Before December 13th: Two weeks after the DEAPcheck is granted
After December 14th: Until approximately one month after the end of the season

*The deadline for redemption will be reviewed as necessary.

5. Planned future updates

After the implementation of the Scholarship and NFT Quests, many more updates are being planned. The following is a partial list of planned updates. Further details will be announced as soon as they are confirmed.

・Additional NFT Quests: New NFT Quests to join the initial Legendary, Epic, and Rare Quests.

・NFT limited PvP: PvP with NFT-enhanced Amulet-only decks.

・NFT Acquisition Quest: Quest where you can earn NFTs by completing in-game quests.



Digital Entertaiment Asset Pte. Ltd.

We are issuing the crypto currency DEAPcoin and developing and operating the NFT x DeFi entertainment platform PlayMining.