NFT game players around the world【vol.1 shadow from Argentina】

Hideaki Kurihara
Published in
4 min readJul 7, 2021

New project “NFT game players around the world”

Here, we will introduce JobTribes players from all over the world by making videos that teach us about their country and lifestyle.

The memorable first player introduction is shadow from Argentina.

First, we will give information about Argentina.
・Official name: República Argentina
・Capital: Buenos Aires
・Population: About 40 million people
・Official language: Spanish

It is located in the southern part of South America.

When you think of Argentina, you think of soccer. Even though I am not familiar with soccer, world-famous players such as Maradona and Messi come to my mind.

Next, we would like to introduce shadow.

shadow started JobTribes in May last year. Around the launch of the beta version.

Always number one in Argentina’s PvP rankings, he is a well-known player among JobTribes users.

Let’s take a look at a video of a day in the life of shadow!!

Hey, he’s handsome from the moment he wakes up.
Please check the video to see just how handsome he is.

The first thing he does from the morning is play JobTribes! It seems like he uses up his stamina here first. Of course, he’s Argentina’s No.1 player!!

He doesn’t eat breakfast so he starts his work.
Shadow’s work is a trader and a web developer, and he starts with checking the market.

And sometimes he plays JobTribes while he works! haha

Since shadow works as a freelancer, he can choose his own schedule, and depending on the day, he sometimes works in the daytime, sometimes at night, and often goes out on sunny days.

In winter, he skis in the mountains and passes through the trees. He’s an expert!

It looks like he’s making delicious rice for dinner.
This is a dish called milanesa, which is similar to Japanese cutlet and is a popular dish in South America. Apparently, milanesa means “Milan-style”!

Please take a look at the entry video from the country ranking because it introduces Argentinean cuisine in detail.

Shadow has been living with his mother, who has a chronic disease, to help support her since the corona virus epidemic started. His mother is in charge of cooking since she has great cooking skills. She always cooks him delicious meals.

Before going to bed, he plays games online or talks to his friends to relax and end the day.

We made a graph of shadow’s day.

He works in a way that is unique to freelancers, and plays JobTribes efficiently while taking a break.

His total playing time of JobTribes is about 2 hours a day.

The appeal of JobTribes is that it is easy to play because the mechanism is simple, and because there is an upper limit on stamina, so the playing time isn’t too long every day. He seems to be enjoying PvP very much and is currently strengthening his deck with the aim of winning.

What shadow values ​​in his daily life is his family, health, and free time. He says he is looking forward to the days when he can spend his time without any worries and travel again as soon as possible. We look forward to meeting shadow someday!

Thank you for your cooperation shadow.

Next time, we’ll be seeing that person’s lifestyle in that country!
We hope you look forward to it!

