PlayMining Phase Shift Light Paper

~ The Future of PlayMining and DEAPcoin ~

Digital Entertaiment Asset Pte. Ltd.
6 min readOct 26, 2023


■ What is PlayMining?

It is a platform that uses gamification and token incentives to encourage game players to change their behavior, thereby sustainably solving societal challenges.

On this platform, there are various game contents that can address the many challenges present in society. Users can autonomously participate in projects to contribute to solving these challenges and earn rewards based on their level of contribution.

We call this concept “Gamified Work.”

We aim to remove the barriers between work and play, creating a system where everyone can contribute to society by doing what they excel at and love, receive recognition from those around them, and earn rewards.

Through content that can exert a positive impact on the real world, something not achievable in traditional games, game players can experience self-affirmation and a sense of self-validation that they can’t find elsewhere.

By introducing this new value proposition, we aim to significantly expand the existing market in the entertainment industry. Our ultimate goal is to provide the “ultimate entertainment” to the world.

■ Real-world Examples of Gamified Work

An example of Gamified Work is the utility pole photography game being developed in collaboration with Tokyo Electric Power Grid and Greenway Grid Global Pte. Ltd. This game is based on the “Inspect to Earn” concept and is tentatively titled “My Battle with Utility Poles: Pole Girl and Tower Boy.”

▼Overview of “My Battle with Utility Poles: Pole Girl and Tower Boy” (tentative)

  • Game Overview: Players are divided into teams to photograph utility poles. The objective is to connect the photographed poles of one’s team with lines and compete based on the length of these lines, making it a team-based pole-connecting game.
  • Game Image: (Please note that the game screen visuals are still in the planning and development phase, and there’s a possibility of changes.)
  • Game Launch Timing: A pilot test limited to specific regions is planned for the spring of 2024. Subsequently, the launch will expand to wider areas.

At DEA, besides this title, we are also planning and developing projects in collaboration with partners from various fields, all based on the Gamified Work concept. Specifically, projects targeting the following areas of concern are progressing concurrently. Details about each project will be announced in stages in the future.

And the reason why it’s possible to create multiple projects on PlayMining is because, for companies aiming to solve problems, the PlayMining platform functions as a “Web3 General-Purpose Middleware (Web3 Engine).”

■ What is the “Web3 General-Purpose Middleware (Web3 Engine)”?

From the perspective of business operators and developers, the PlayMining platform can be termed as the “Web3 General-Purpose Middleware (Web3 Engine).” By leveraging this platform, businesses are provided an environment where they can easily develop and operate Web3 games or applications, which use blockchain technology-based NFTs, in an X-to-Earn model.

Specifically, it comprehensively supports the following functions required for Web3 development:

  • User management
  • NFT management
  • DEAPcoin (DEP) management
  • Payment functions
  • Marketplace management
  • Automatic royalty distribution to creators, etc.
  • Scholarship features, and so on.

On the infrastructure side, it adopts a private chain, ensuring scalability and security while providing the best experience for users and developers.

Through these features, developers can efficiently develop games and applications using blockchain technology without needing to learn the unique development methods of Web3.

■ About DEAPcoin(DEP)

○What is DEP

It is the main currency of the PlayMining economic zone.

Depending on the phase, its significance will shift from the utility of individual games to the governance-based utility of the entire platform.

The value of DEP is determined by ensuring that its circulation matches the sum of the economic value generated by the PlayMining economic zone. After the “Completion of Market Circulation”, which is planned for 2024, theoretically, the price will steadily rise, while obtaining DEP as a reward will become more difficult.

○DEP Utility

In addition to its role as a utility token for individual game titles, DEP will also serve as a support token for the “issue-solving projects” advanced by PlayMining. While continuing to function as a game reward and consumption token, the utility of DEP will evolve in alignment with the direction of projects advancing problem-solving through games.

Specifically, it is planned to add utilities, including governance elements, that reflect the value of problem-solving projects = PlayMining as a token.

~Utility Proposals~

Problem-Solving Governance:

  • Depending on the amount of DEP held/staked and contribution to the project, one can participate in issue-solving projects alongside PlayMining management.
  • Participate as a tester for new projects, attend meetings as an observer, propose ideas for projects, participate as a project member, etc.

Issue-Solving Project Crowdfunding:

  • Like crowdfunding, one can financially support desired problem-solving projects using DEP.
  • Depending on the amount donated, specific rewards (like special NFTs, event tickets) can be obtained.
  • Part of the collected funds will be used as capital to further develop issue-solving projects.

and so on

■ In Conclusion

Until now, we have described the latest direction of the PlayMining project. Through various game titles, PlayMining has engaged many users and received their support. Despite being affected by the overall crypto market conditions and trends, we have been able to continue our project.

We recognize the recent fluctuations in DEP’s value and the challenges we face have brought about concerns among our community and DEP holders. Our sincere apologies for any inconvenience this may have caused. Rest assured, we are devoted to navigating through these challenges, guided by the new direction we’ve shared today.

It’s important to note that the details shared in this communication reflect the preliminary thoughts and intentions of the PlayMining team. We consider this a “working draft,” and our goal is to perfect it based on ongoing discussions with our community. We encourage everyone who has taken the time to read this to provide feedback, as we haven’t finalized the details. Your insights are invaluable, and we invite you to share them at the provided URL:

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We kindly ask for your continued support for PlayMining.



Digital Entertaiment Asset Pte. Ltd.

We are issuing the crypto currency DEAPcoin and developing and operating the NFT x DeFi entertainment platform PlayMining.