Using PlayMolecule® BindScope to participate in the SAMPL7 challenge [TUTORIAL]

In this short tutorial we will look at how to use BindScope and, as an example, we will try to generate a submission for the first stage of the SAMPL7 challenge, in which the user is asked to discriminate between ligand binders and non-binders for a specific list of fragments against a protein

Gerard Martínez


Two cents about the algorithm

The algorithm behind BindScope is a 3D convolutional neural network designed as a binder/non-binder classifier. It has been trained using the DUD-E database (which contains ligands and decoys) and given a ligand docked to a protein, the algorithm is able to extract tridimensional structural features in the style of DeepSite and cast a prediction whether the ligand might be a binder. If you want to learn more about how the protein-ligand is featurized please check one of our old tutorials:

As usual, for all the technical aspects please refer to the scientific publication.

The SAMPL7 challenge

The first stage of the SAMPL7 challenge consists in, given a list of 799 fragment SMILES and a protein structure(PHIP in this case2), finding which of these are actual binders. The organizers of the challenge, of course, have screened the whole library and know which are hits and which are not. You can find all the data available in the challenge github:

Applicability domain

One problem we must highlight at this point is that BindScope may not work because the training database (DUDE) has little representation of fragments as shown in the plot below. This suggests that we might be outside of the applicability domain of BindScope because the training dataset differs substantially from the test dataset (the stage-1 SAMPL7 fragments). For the purpose of this tutorial we will try if it works anyway.

Distribution of heavy atoms per ligand for the DUDE database (training dataset for BindScope) and the SAMPL7 fragments (our test set). Additionally we show the distribution for GDD (our GPCR-centric model). We can see how the distribution of SAMPL7 is clearly displaced towards the left and suggests we may be out of the applicability domain.

Preparing the inputs

BindScope expects tridimensional protein-ligand complexes so the first step is to generate binding poses for the list of fragment SMILES. For this we are going to use open source software, concretely we are going to generate starting 3D ligand conformations with RDkit and use SMINA (which is based on AutoDock VINA) to generate docking poses. We will also need Open Babel on the way.

First, we are going to generate a single SDF with a starting conformation for each of the fragments:

Second, we are going to run SMINA. For this we will have to:

  1. Convert the original SAMPL7 protein PDB into the PDBQT format.
babel PHIPA_C2_Apo.pdb -xr -O PHIPA_C2_Apo.pdbqt

2. Find out where is the center of the pocket. You can use your favorite molecular visualizer like VMD, pymol, etc. In the case of the challenge we can simply inspect the file called “PHIPA_C2_apo_sites.pdb” and we can find the binding sites reported by the challenge as the last 4 heteroatoms.

HETATM 1290 HE S1 A1501 -19.150 12.842 24.700 0.44 10.58 HE
HETATM 1291 NE S2 A1601 -22.697 21.498 11.130 0.31 11.52 NE
HETATM 1289 AR S3 A1501 -6.393 4.395 15.539 0.52 26.08 AR
HETATM 1292 KR S4 A1501 -27.336 3.939 22.899 0.49 22.37 KR

We will use only the first one for the purpose of this tutorial.

Finally with this information we run SMINA. We will ask it to generate 5 binding modes and assume a padding size of 15 Angstrom:

smina.static  --receptor PHIPA_C2_Apo.pdbqt --ligand fragments.sdf --center_x -19.150 --center_y 12.842 --center_z 24.700 --size_x 15 --size_y 15 --size_z 15 --num_modes 5 --out docking.sdf

The result is a set of 3045 docked fragments, which is a number slightly inferior to the asked 799 input fragments*5 binding modes (3995) but that’s because in some cases 5 modes couldn’t be generated and fewer were provided.

Running BindScope

With the previous docking SDF and the original PHIPA_C2_Apo.pdb we can now go to the BindScope application present in the PlayMolecule web platform:

The input in this case is quite intuitive: simply upload the the PDB in the “Protein PDB” field and the ligands in the “Ligands” field. Since we already provide docked poses, make sure you leave the option “Perform ligand docking” unchecked. We will leave the remaining options by default and click Submit.

In case you want BindScope to dock your compounds you will have to place the yellow “search box” over the binding site of interest

Some curiosities about the app input in case you are wondering. Beware these options are not required for the SAMPL7 tutorial:

  1. Model. While the default model was trained using the DUDE database, you can imagine that one could curate specific training datasets for specific types of proteins. For instance, we tried to include some extra GPCR protein-ligand binder/decoy complexes (GDD database) and created a new model called BindScope_GPCR. In the model dropdown menu you will find BindScope_GPCR_transfer and BindScope_GPCR_scratch models: the first one was generated by fine tuning the original model with the new GPCR data for few epochs, while the second one was trained from scratch including a combination of DUDE data plus the extra GPCR data. If you are dealing with a GPCR system you might want to give these models a try.
  2. Docking. While the recommended use of the application is to provide already docked molecules to BindScope, if your molecules are not docked you can use the docking functionality. Simply click on the “Perform ligand docking” and move the yellow box around to place it in the pocket of interest. You can also modify the padding of the search box. As a warning: only the first 10 molecules will be docked so the free version of PlayMolecule is not an option if you are looking for high-throughput docking. This option is not required for the SAMPL7 tutorial because we are already providing docked poses.
  3. Stats. If your input SDF has some fields with integer 0s or 1s, it will be detected as possible “validation field”. This means you can provide the application with the “ground truth” (0 for non-binder, 1 for binder) and the application will run some automatic statistics about how good it was at predicting the labels. If the field selected by default does not correspond to a “validation field” then please set the “Ground truth” field to “None”.

After running BindScope, the best ligands will be presented to you in the graphical user interface. As you can see, each ligand has an associated probability of binding. Only the first 100 ligands will be shown but if you want the whole list of results you can download it from the right panel.

BindScope results interface

Analyzing the results

We now have for each fragment 1 to 5 binding scores provided by BindScope (depending on the number of binding modes SMINA was able to produce) and for each fragment we have a ground truth, which was made available at the challenge github: (In this CSV there’s a list of fragments that turned out to be hits, i.e. they bind the protein).

There are two ways (at least) we can proceed: one is to take the best BindScope score for each fragment, the other one is to take the mean of the scores provided by BindScope. If we sort our list of results by BindScope score and include the ground truth information, we can see that we detect at least two fragments in the top 15 predictions.

Here are the results taking the maxium BindScope score:

And here the results taking the mean BindScope score:

In both cases we are able to correctly discriminate fragments F275 and F309.

When looking at the AUC for both the methods we see it is not great: 0.5331 for the mean score and 0.5445 taking the max. BindScope score.


Even though the original BindScope model was trained with very few fragments present in the DUDE database, it was able to correctly discriminate 2 of the binding fragments in the top 3 (when using max. BindScope score) and 2 in the top 12 predictions when using the mean. However, no more hits were found in the near-top and the AUCs are not great. These results are not perfect but encouraging, and constitute a nice showcase of how to use BindScope in a real scenario. Results also show that BindScope holds potential for virtual screening and makes us wonder what would be the performance of a model trained exclusively on fragments for binding discrimination.

Thanks for reading!



Gerard Martínez

Manager and developer of the PlayMolecule drug discovery platform (