Ep12: Becoming a Career Coaching All-star w/Gillian Robertson

Sam Goldberg
Published in
2 min readMar 1, 2022

This is a reflection on Playticity Podcast Episode 12: Becoming a Career Coaching All-star w/Gillian Robertson. Find the episode wherever you get your podcasts. It is also available on www.playticity.com/podcast

In a world that is hyper-connected, something that occurs on the other side of the world can affect us like it never could before.

In the podcast, Gillian and I discussed growing your career, your future, and how to find what it is you really want in life. Gillian talked about how she reclaimed her passion, and found a career she loved after having two kids.

And as much as I loved the conversation, writing about it is difficult given current events where these same careers, opportunities, and futures are being stripped from the Ukrainian people in their conflicts with Russia, so I’ll keep it short today.

I’ve said this before, but for me, one of the most important things I’ve learned is that I am only human. Despite all of the suffering and pain occurring, and despite all the social media posts, and thoughts and prayers, there is not much the majority of people in the west can do other than watch what happens, stay educated, and hope for the best.

We try to hold the world’s pain on our backs, and while our deep compassion for one another is one of humanities best qualities, we can only do so much.

Part of me feels guilty for saying that, and maybe somewhat cold hearted or ignorant, but that is not my intention.

I have the opportunity to speak to amazing people like Gillian and share it with people like you, in the hope that I can inspire you to find your freedom and carve your own path in life

Living in Alberta, Canada, COVID mandates are ending today, masks are no longer required, and normalcy is (fingers crossed) slowly returning.

I find it sad that in a time of would be celebration, many of us are inhibiting or oppressing ourselves out of guilt for our freedom and privilege (at least that’s what I have been doing the past couple days).

If nothing else, this situation with Russia and Ukraine has taught me how fleeting our freedoms and safeties are, and that it could be stripped from us at a moments notice.

So rather than feel guilt, feel gratitude. Step into your freedom, and enjoy it while you can.

I’ll see all you players next week.



Sam Goldberg

I write for overthinking millennials, and the creative voice within.