
A Storm at Sea

A disaster or a relief?

Fatima Zahra Zuberi


Photo by Marcus Woodbridge on Unsplash

It was hot and humid. You could cook an egg on the pavement. People flocked to the sea, trying to cool off. No trace of a refreshing breeze could be felt.

Clouds slowly and silently closed upon the sun like sadness creeping up on a person. A low, distinct rumble was heard far away at sea. Everyone sighed in relief, thinking that now the weather would not be like scalding water.

Rain pelted down hard with raindrops the size of bullets. Panic started creeping and crawling into hearts like darkness enclosing light. The wind roared, lightning crashed, and thunder rumbled like one intense metal concert.

People scurried like ants, working away, preparing for the worst. A crash was heard at sea like a piano thrown down the stairs. People silently prayed, each humming a prayer of its own.

A large wave the size of two whales hurdled towards the shore, knocking anything in its way. The wave hit the coast with an ominous growl. Water engulfed the beach and was racing towards land, but it gave a loud shriek and proceeded back to the sea.

The sun rose with a cheerful giggle and spread its warm rays, basking everyone in its galore.

People rejoiced and went away to live with sunshine, birds, and clouds, leaving a happy mark on those who gazed upon their blessings.

Happy Reading!

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