On Gravity and Relationships

Jack Dire
Please Don’t Let Them Turn Out Like Me
2 min readAug 13, 2014

In my medium-length life, I have discovered that relationships make up about 97% of the perceived happiness of 98% of the population. So this unsolicited advice applies to that, but I also believe it applies to all things. It’s simple:

Stop trying to hold on to things.

Ours is a universe of gravity and orbits. Things come around and they stay around when they are meant to and don’t when they are not.

Your own gravity will hold what it can and what it should. Big things pull more things than small things. If you want to take this literally, become morbidly obese and live in space. If you want to take it how I mean it, be as big as you want. As loving, as angry, as funny, as hollow, as fulfilled, as broken, as optimistic, and as lost as makes you comfortable and feels like your own clothes and not something borrowed.

The people and things that are drawn to that will stay drawn to it until they don’t. That isn’t your problem or concern.

They’ll come and go. But while they are in orbit, it will be right. It will be good. It will be physics and love and everything in between. Enjoy that. But don’t try to keep it. That’s just not how this place works.

Then stop thinking about how you don’t get to hold on to people, and start thinking about how – because of that gravity – you don’t need to.

Thanks for reading. If you liked this, maybe you’ll like some of the other stuff I’ve made. Like this card game. Or just come say hi on twitter.




Jack Dire
Please Don’t Let Them Turn Out Like Me

Creator of Superfight, Red Flags, Gatefall, Blank Marry Kill, and You’ve Got Problems. But to most people I’m just the guy who wrote the burrito rant.