How I Transformed Maru’s Email Game (And Can Do the Same for You) - Alexander Kluge
“Please leave…”
2 min readJun 30, 2024
A fantasy setting featuring an elderly, wise-looking wizard reminiscent of Gandalf from “The Lord of the Rings.” The wizard has long white hair and a beard, pointed ears, and is dressed in a blue robe with intricate details. He is writing or drawing with a glowing quill at a wooden desk, surrounded by ethereal, floating lights. The background includes a large, ancient tree and a mystical ambiance, enhancing the magical atmosphere.

I had a knack for sending sales emails that sound just like you would write them.


Let me share a quick win.

I teamed up with Maru Exposito, a Tokyo fantasy artist. She was awesome, and her project was right up my alley. I dove deep — research, chats, the whole nine yards. Became virtually her to craft the perfect email campaign.

We aimed to boost clicks and snag some donations in December. Guess what? We nailed it.

Maru was stoked:

“Seeing Alex use my own words in a so much more convincing communication style was the real magic.“

Not even her husband could tell she didn’t write those emails herself!


Maru welcomed 3 new patrons, got 4 generous donations, and her click rates? Up by over 50%. She’s now more pumped than ever, drawing extra content and boosting her online presence using strategies we cooked up together.

The most important thing for her?

“I was able to further connect to my readers!!”

So, what was my secret sauce? Storytelling.

Joke Time:

Why did Gandalf jump out of the email marketing train home?

Because the train went “hook-warts!”


Alexander “Storytelling Wizard” Kluge

You were itching to see how personalized stories can skyrocket your marketing impact, so you replied and we had a chat.


You read “Please leave…”, the only hand-written letter on the internet.

Daily letters in the past tense that made you feel something in the present moment and cracked a smile once in a while.

Plus, if you joined my private email list, quiet announcements and sneak peeks of my journey to a €100,000 Annual Recurring Revenue–my weekly {Sunday Truth}.

