I missed you. You okay?

naii.io - Alexander Kluge
“Please leave…”
3 min readJun 16, 2024

Haven’t heard from you in a while.

And to be honest, your last email was boring.

You weren’t as fun as you used to be.

But I got it:

It was hard to write daily emails that are fun to read.

But I think they were worth it because…

  1. People loved fun brands — you attracted them with laughs.
  2. Life was heavy. And humor lightened things up.
  3. Comic relief let you play with your brand.

Remember the wild joy of chewing gum as a kid? Twisting it, blowing bubbles, and laughing when it burst?

That’s what comic relief did for your brand. It let you play, twist, and burst with creativity. Your brand became more engaging and fun.

Because you tapped into that childhood joy.

Imagined enjoying your work and making others smile. Sounded good, right?

Then you made it happen with:

The Daily Email Dream.

Sent an email every day? It sounded crazy, I knew.

But there were 17 sane reasons to write daily:

  1. Become a better writer.
  2. Write faster.
  3. Generate endless ideas.
  4. Develop a lifelong skill.
  5. Outdo your peers.
  6. Gain respect and envy.
  7. Make people want to learn from you.
  8. Gain more customers.
  9. Open more job opportunities.
  10. Think clearer.
  11. Get a therapeutic brain boost.
  12. Improve your speaking skills.
  13. Show off your authority.
  14. Attract better leads.
  15. Weed out the wrong audience.
  16. Create familiarity, making sales easier.
  17. Build stronger relationships.

Plus, it was fun.

And you felt proud when you wrote your email first thing in the morning and generated a sale or two as a result of it.

Then I helped you with a daily email plan infused with humor:

I shared a simple framework to make your emails funny and effective — daily.

You got a laugh, your readers chuckled, and you grew your business — Every. Single. Day.

A person laughing with a lot of money sitting in front of a beautiful cozy fantasy stone house in a spring forest next to a cobblestone path and a babbling brook. Stone wall. Mountains in the distance. Magical tone and feel, hyper-realistic. (Adobe Firefly AI-generated)

Ready for humor and sales you were, so you left a comment below.

Joke Time:

Is it burping if you don’t open your mouth?


You read “Please leave…”, the only hand-written letter on the internet.

Daily letters in the past tense to make you feel something in the present moment and crack a smile once in a while.

Plus, if you join my private email list, quiet announcements and sneak peeks of my journey to a €100,000 Annual Recurring Revenue–my weekly {Sunday Truth}.

