“Why didn’t you send your daily email?”

naii.io - Alexander Kluge
“Please leave…”
2 min readJun 27, 2024

I knew it sounded weird.

But this was one of the questions you could get asked when you started sending daily emails.

Obviously, your emails needed to be good, helpful, informative, entertaining, and just an overall exciting piece to read.

If you did as everyone else did, you would have bored the shit out of people.

A young man with blonde hair, glasses, and a beard, sitting at a desk in a cozy, warmly lit room. He is intently focused on his laptop, with a serious expression and his chin resting on his hand. The setting includes a glowing desk lamp, a cup, and a background with soft, ambient lighting that creates a calm, studious atmosphere.

They’d rather kill themselves than read your boring sales-y message.

But there was a cure, and it was simple, yet not easy:

  1. Having an offer, something that was actually in demand.
  2. Sending daily emails pointing people at your offer.

You didn’t have to sell in each email, but you could, and it was fair enough.

What was important was that you…

Created some form of story universe around your offer.

Others might have called it a brand voice, but I called it a story universe because it made sense to me. I saw marketing pieces as places (touch points) where people entered your world.

That was all for today.

What did you learn?


Don’t be afraid to have sent daily emails.

If you were hesitant, it might have been because you lacked confidence in your offer or had some personal insecurities. I encouraged you to overcome those.

Joke Time:

People lose their minds when they don’t get my daily email. “Why didn’t you send your daily email?” they ask. Oh, I don’t know, maybe I wanted to give your inbox a chance to miss me. Absence makes the heart grow fonder… and the sales pitch even stronger!


Alexander “is shy but not insecure” Kluge


You read “Please leave…”, the only hand-written letter on the internet.

Daily letters in the past tense that made you feel something in the present moment and cracked a smile once in a while.

Plus, if you joined my private email list, quiet announcements and sneak peeks of my journey to a €100,000 Annual Recurring Revenue–my weekly {Sunday Truth}.

