You didn’t NEED tools to write. - Alexander Kluge
“Please leave…”
3 min readJun 19, 2024
A large, modern office space filled with numerous employees sitting at desks. The central focus is on one person seated in a prominent chair facing a large, semi-transparent screen displaying text. The scene is bathed in warm sunlight streaming through expansive windows, giving the room a bright, airy atmosphere. The city skyline is visible through the windows, adding to the contemporary feel of the workspace.

You could have gone old-school with pen and paper, which is what I had done for a few weeks in the 90-day CopyHour copywriting course by Derek Johanson.

“But pen and paper are tools, too!”

You got it.

So, we agreed that tools were lifesavers.

They made our writing easier and pretty cool.

And that’s why I presented my top 3 free and paid writing tools:

DeepL + DeepL Write for instant translation and pimping my grammar, word choice, and sentence structure. Bye-bye Grammarly. See ya LanguageTool. So long, Hemingway App.

ChatGPT was my brainstorming buddy. Perfect for quick back-and-forths. It was like having a creative partner who never slept.

Copy Coach by Email Game Changers AI was my latest obsession and quite a “game-changer”. Copy Coach boosted:

  • Clarity and flow
  • Sentence length
  • Engagement
  • Tone and personality
  • …and a ton more!

At $97/month, it was an investment but worth every penny!

Using Copy Coach, DeepL Write, and ChatGPT together made my writing fun and super effective. A perfect blend of tech and brainpower.

The result was engaging copy for my audience, and that’s what I wanted!

Joke Time:

Why did the writer bring a pencil to the CopyHour course?

Because it had the write tools for the job!


What’s the deal with all these writing tools? DeepL, ChatGPT, Gemini, Claude — it’s like we need a whole IT department to write a sentence! Remember when we just had a pen and paper? And all the dorks go, “But pen and paper are tools, too.” Shut up, Eugene! Next, we’ll need a drone to deliver metaphors. “Hey drone, drop me a simile!” And it goes, “Writing with all these tools is like a cat on a Roomba chasing a laser pointer — constantly spinning, never quite catching up, and eventually throwing up.” So we’ve gone from caveman simplicity to a tech circus. At this rate, we’ll have AI writing our grocery lists and composing love letters! WAIT! They’re already doing that… “Dear honey, my love for you is like a toaster in a bathtub — shocking and full of sparks! And… I’M GONNA KILL YOU — HAHAHA — EVIL LAUGHTER“ — 😳


You read “Please leave…”, the only hand-written letter on the internet.

Daily letters in the past tense to make you feel something in the present moment and crack a smile once in a while.

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