Sunbathing With a Stranger

An uninhibited vacation. A stranger on the beach. We don’t speak the same language but he understands exactly what I need.

Kaia Bell
Published in
9 min readMar 15, 2021


Licensed from DepositPhotos

The sun feels good on my skin.

After a long, cold winter, I finally took my friend up on her offer to let me stay at her Italian beach house. I don’t speak the language, and I’m still a bit jet-lagged, but I’ve been enjoying the easy-going pace of the local village and the delicious food. And now I’m about to enjoy something else, something I’ve never done before. I’m about to sunbathe naked.

The beach is mostly empty. There was a woman walking her dog earlier and down the shore, two men are kicking a soccer ball around, but other than that, I have the beach all to myself. The air is thick with the tang of sea salt, waves lapping gently at the sand.

I take a seat on the cushioned lounge in the late-afternoon sunlight — a warm, lazy, golden sort of light. With a deep breath, I carefully untie my bikini top and allow it to fall. The breeze caresses my bare breasts, my nipples contracting to hard points as the Mediterranean sun warms my back.



Kaia Bell

Sex, history, and erotica with a touch of deeply felt kink. Site: