Why Breakups Are a Key to Happiness

They force you into a state of “regenerative energy” that gets you closer to your highest potential.

Nadège, sex scholar
Pleasure Science


Photo by RDNE Stock project.

People are often surprised when I greet news of a break-up with “Congratulations!”

Break-ups are heartbreaking, especially if you are the one who wants to keep the relationship alive. That pain lingers like a poltergeist, with memories arrogantly creeping up on you when you least expect it.

Still, it’s my firm belief that break-ups are healthy and positive. Here are a few reasons.

First, after over ten years of studying sex and relationships, I’ve noticed a pattern. We stay in relationships for exactly the right amount of time. Humans leave love behind when they are truly ready to or when they are forced to. Either way, you can be sure that a relationship will last the exact amount of time it was supposed to.

Second, change creates positive results, no matter how painful. I learned this when my mother died. The tricky part is that you don’t know how long it will take before you feel these positive, uncontrollable shifts.

Third, and most importantly, I am pro-break up because you can be the entire package in a relationship and still show up at the wrong address! The only way to know if a…



Nadège, sex scholar
Pleasure Science

Sex scholar & bestselling author featured in Cosmo, Women's Health, & The History Channel. Learn what your natural sex strengths are → PleasureScience.com