3 Reasons to become a Moderator Today

Published in
3 min readJul 2, 2019

As a Moderator, you will be a key part of the success of the platform and have the chance to earn accordingly. Read on to see why you benefit most by doing it now rather than later.

1. The First Moderators Receive The Most PLG

According to the token distribution table, 5% of the total supply will be used to compensate the Moderators over a period of 36 months. In real numbers, this is 500 million PLG over three years, or:

13,888,889 PLG each month

waiting to be claimed by Moderators.

This is roughly equivalent to $138,889 USD per month if calculated at the initial public sale price. Please read the fine print below.

This fund exists to incentivize Moderators at an early stage where listing fees are still minimal. By failing to be a Moderator from the very beginning, you leave considerable PLG on the table that is there just to reward your early action.

2. Moderators Are the Future

Moderators are entrusted with important positions of power on the platform, making key decisions about campaigns that protect the health of the system and determine how it will grow.

This is why Moderators must demonstrate a token stake to prove they are aligned. By becoming a Moderator from day one, you will help shape the future of the platform and be part of the success story.

3. Favorable PLG Conversion Rates (expires soon)

As mentioned, to become a Moderator you must stake a minimum of 100,000 PLG (thus converting it to CS) at a ratio of 1 PLG = 1 CS.

However, for a limited time you can receive a favorable conversion rate according to this schedule:

Act now to lock in the most favorable conversion rates; we will not offer such conversion rates again in the future. Please read the fine print below.

In summary, anyone who desires to align themselves with the future success of the platform will benefit the most by staking early and becoming a Moderator today.

These incentives are zero-risk, quantifiable and measurable, and sitting on the table for those people with the initiative to recognize it and take it.

Are you one of them?

Ready to become a Moderator?

Contact us today

Note: US Persons are not eligible to become Moderators

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We will post breaking news and announcements across these channels in addition to the regular posting schedule detailed above.

Note: U.S. Persons are not eligible to become Moderators. This is not a solicitation to purchase or invest in securities. This is not investment advice and we are not financial advisors. Any investment in cryptocurrencies involves considerable risk.

We reserve the right to modify the proposed bonus conversion rates schedule and mechanics above at any time and for any reason, including but not limited to limiting abuse, liquidity problems, and other negative impacts to the platform. There is a 10B total supply of PLG tokens and no more can be minted; thus, bonus CS acquired by a favorable conversion rate may not be converted back into more PLG than was originally staked.

We reserve the right to commit bonus PLG from the Initial Moderator Fund to a vesting schedule, or reward them as CS if necessary to protect negative impacts on token liquidity.




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