Crowdfunding and COVID-19

Published in
2 min readApr 15, 2020

How crowdfunding empowers individuals during these unprecedented times. #PledgeToProtect

In an ideal scenario, institutions and hospitals would have been fully prepared to protect the medical workers fighting COVID-19. A severe national shortage of personal protective equipment (PPE) has made it clear that this is not the case.

Some examples:

60 Minutes: Sick Doctors, Nurses and Not Enough Equipment: NYC Health Care Workers on the Fight Against the Coronavirus

NY Times: Nurses Die, Doctors Fall Sick and Panic Rises on Virus Front Lines

VOX: The Mask Shortage is Forcing Health Workers to Disregard Basic Infection Control

The Guardian: Doctors Lacking PPE ‘bullied’ Into Treating COVID-19 Patients

and many more

Online crowdfunding rose to prominence after the 2008 financial crisis because institutions failed to serve the needs of everyday people. In the midst of today’s crisis , crowdfunding once again can empower ordinary people to step up where institutions fall short:

  • Crowdfunding harnesses the collective power of individuals to address community needs
  • Crowdfunding can direct funds and PPE to hospitals whose sourcing teams are overwhelmed, underfunded, or simply overlooked by government
  • Crowdfunding organizers can deliver PPE directly to hospital store rooms without bureaucracy or politics getting in the way
  • Individuals who want to do more than just social-distance and wash their hands can make an impact with only an internet connection

How Pledgecamp Is Crowdfunding to Fight COVID-19

Pledgecamp is a newly-launched crowdfunding platform taking on incumbents like Kickstarter and Indiegogo. Because of the pandemic, we have paused all commercial projects to focus on a single, non-profit campaign to supply PPE to hospitals.

By donating to this campaign, any individual can make an impact in the fight against COVID-19. Unlike other relief efforts, Pledgecamp publishes exactly how much PPE will be delivered and their costs, right on the campaign page.

Another differentiating factor, Pledgecamp lets some donors sponsor a specific hospital of their choice. For a minimum contribution of 100 KN95 respirator masks, donors can support any hospital they may have a personal connection to, including local hospitals that could be overlooked by other relief efforts.

Pledgecamp is not be the final solution to COVID-19. But in an imperfect world, crowdfunding lets everyone be individual heroes. Let us all do our part and get through this together.

Interested in Donating?

100% of funds will go to PPE for hospitals. Visit the campaign below:

Connect with us:
Wholesale (hospitals, government, NGOs):





Pledgecamp ushers in a new era of crowdfunding. Join us on our mission to bring opportunity and entrepreneurship to everyone.