How PLG Enables a “Smart Crowd”

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4 min readJul 9, 2019

Pledge Coin creates new possibilities for crowdfunding, such as by enabling a “smart crowd” to lend their talents to projects. #TokenTuesday

Last month, we introduced the concept of the Gig Economy and how it enables backers to contribute to projects in ways beyond just investment. Today we dive deeper into the simple user experience behind this dynamic feature.

Step 1. Creating a Bonus

The Pledgecamp team has extensive experience launching products and raising funds on Kickstarter and Indiegogo. We know very well the challenges that entrepreneurs, called “creators”, face when marketing their projects.

One of the greatest challenges involves engaging the community and increasing a project’s exposure. How can a creator turn their financial backers into his or her greatest helpers?

Simplified UI for the creator’s Dashboard

In the creator Dashboard, creators can easily manage their project information and add “Bonuses”. Doing so allows the creator to recruit the entire Pledgecamp community to help promote and improve their projects. We call this enabling the “Smart Crowd”.

Adding your first public Bonus
Funding the Bonus with PLG in advance is important so that the Smart Crowd can be sure that the funds are there as promised. Pledgecamp can make acquiring PLG from the open market frictionless.

Pledge Coins allow creators to instantly and transparently compensate any member of the Smart Crowd after they perform the desired task. It also lets them reach a global crowd unencumbered by borders, currency issues, or banking limitations.

If the creator is not familiar with cryptocurrency, we plan on making acquiring PLG seamless and easy for them. Usability is paramount, so that users simply know these great features work without necessarily being advanced blockchain experts.

Step 2. View and Approve Submissions

Once the Bonus is “live”, any Pledgecamp user can submit an entry. The creator can easily view the submissions, approve or deny them, and add new bonuses at any time.

Step 3. Grow the Project

That’s it! As you’ve seen, the simplified UI design makes it extremely easy to post new bonuses and manage submissions.

Here are some ways the Smart Crowd might help creators be successful on Pledgecamp. By no means it is an exhaustive list — the only limit is the imagination of project creators and the crowd!

  • Content Creation: Create YouTube videos, blog posts, infographic creation, logo/branding design, etc.
  • Social Media Promotion: Provide exposure for the creator’s campaigns by sharing links, retweets, posting to Facebook, Instagram, etc.
  • Survey Creation: Fill out surveys to help collect market research data.
  • Localization/Translation: Translate marketing material, product descriptions, or product manuals into additional languages for greater reach.

The above-mentioned bounty possibilities constitute Pledgecamp’s internal gig economy which can be automated, scaled, and tracked across the globe. Incentivizing these activities through monetization will empower users to express their passion and skill sets to grow the creator’s project.

What it looks like for Backers:

Available bonuses are viewable on the main project page
A simple and flexible form for various types of submissions

The UI for backers is the flip side of the design for creators, and is similarly simple and flexible. Users can view the requirements, upload documents, messages, or links to the creator, and that’s it.

Backers know that these bonuses are fully pre-funded, and that only the best quality submissions will stand out among the pack.

Concluding Thoughts

Enabling the Smart Crowd with PLG is just one of the ways Pledgecamp is bringing new functionality to crowdfunding by using blockchain and cryptocurrency.

Follow our future posts for deeper looks at Backer Insurance, the Market Network, Knowledge Center, and more! Each of these brings much-needed new possibilities to crowdfunding that will ultimately help creators be more successful, and bring new products and value into the world.

For more details about the Pledgecamp platform, refer to our white paper accessible at

This post may contain forward-looking statements about the future functionality of the platform. The platform is currently in development, and we reserve the right to make changes to the design, names, or functionality of features in the interests of making the platform successful. For full risk factors, see white paper.




Pledgecamp ushers in a new era of crowdfunding. Join us on our mission to bring opportunity and entrepreneurship to everyone.