Interview with Featured Pledgecamp Advisor: Alireza Masrour, Managing Partner at Plug and Play Ventures

Tania Grebennik
Published in
3 min readNov 23, 2018

Pledgecamp has a number of notable advisors who have helped scale organizations across the media, software, and blockchain markets. Here is our introduction and testimonial video of Pledgecamp advisor, Alireza Masrour, Managing Partner at Plug & Play Ventures, where he led more than 100 investments. Previously, he was Founder and CEO at NekaTel and Founder of VidaTel.

After doing investments for Plug and Play Ventures for almost ten years, there is only one and one secret sauce to success for the success of the companies. And it is only the team. I remember the early days, maybe the first three months, we come back every week or so on the whiteboard right over there sketching different ideas and saying, ‘no I have seen failure here, no I have seen failure here, no I have seen failure there’. Yet, these guys going back and spending quality time and at midnight how persistent they are emailing me, ‘how about this idea’. I see the email, but I’m saying, ‘guys stop it, we can do it tomorrow’. Being persistent helped them to build the first one, the second one, and hopefully the next one. So, one thing that the backer will see about the team is, as I mentioned, how persistent they are. If they are a persistent backer to push them to get whatever they need to get off of the company, for sure, they will get because that’s very obvious they are crazy about this idea.

If you compare to the others, they have the same respect for each other that they have had from the beginning. It’s very important it and doesn’t matter how big your company is right now, it is about keeping the same respect for each other and staying with each other. They’re friends and they know each other and they trust each other. A lot of companies, when they have that solid team that they’re working hand-in-hand, very close with each other, that’s much easier to dedicate and dedicate your job to your cofounder because you tell you to trust each other. So, this team they’re coming from Berkeley and they have done an amazing job. From their background from what they have delivered as far as building a software delivering, software delivering hardware, building that and with their age and what they have done last time though they have done is something that barely people can do.

If someone can do it, it should be someone that has gone through all these steps. So, I hope with all the knowledge and experience that they have got, so far, from the last five years, I think they can make it bigger, bigger, and bigger and you really want to be part of this journey with them.

Learn more about Pledgecamp’s other advisors by watching our YouTube video interviews and/or reading this blog post introducing them.

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