Introducing Pledgecamp Storefronts

Published in
2 min readAug 9, 2019

Storefronts allow project creators to easily accept online preorders after fundraising, just another way Pledgecamp gives additional help to entrepreneurs. #FeatureFriday

We know that entrepreneurs have many needs and that the crowdfunding campaigns is only one step of the journey.

In the past, most creators will sign up for new e-commerce services (like Shopify) in order to build a website and continue to accept preorders after their campaign. Obviously, this demands additional cost, time, and attention, when oftentimes the creator would prefer to focus on building their products.

On Pledgecamp, creators can avoid these additional pains by easily converting their concluded crowdfunding campaign into a pre-order website.

Differences for storefronts include additional branding in the header, funding history, and pre-order language.

Storefronts vs. traditional crowdfunding on Pledgecamp

  • Creators who have finished crowdfunding on competing platforms (such as Kickstarter or Indiegogo) can use Pledgecamp to open storefronts. In fact, this will be a key part of recruiting our competitor’s users onto our platform in the end.
  • It is a frictionless process as the project description, rewards, and other details can be carried over easily from the campaign.
  • Crowdfunding orders will ship first. Preorders must ship after outstanding crowdfunding orders have been fulfilled. In addition, creators should offer the lowest prices to the first backers, and raise prices slightly during the preorder phase.
  • Preorders are not included or added to the existing Backer Insurance for the project. Refunds must be handled on an individual basis with creators.
  • Once a project is fully delivered and shipping, creators have the option to advance from “preorders” to normal orders and run a traditional ecommerce page.

In the end, Storefronts offer creators an additional way to keep growing their businesses while saving them time and money. For backers, it is a way to still “join in early” even if they happened to miss the short crowdfunding period.

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For more details about the Pledgecamp platform, refer to our white paper accessible at

This post may contain forward-looking statements about the future functionality of the platform. The platform is currently in development, and we reserve the right to make changes to the design, names, or functionality of features in the interests of making the platform successful. For full risk factors, see white paper.




Pledgecamp ushers in a new era of crowdfunding. Join us on our mission to bring opportunity and entrepreneurship to everyone.