Pledgecamp AMA @ The Blockchain Silk Road

Published in
3 min readMay 5, 2020

4.29 PledgeCamp AMA @ The Blockchain Silk Board

Pledgecamp Questions

Q1. Due to the Coronavirus, the global economy has also been severely damaged. How will the corona crisis affect the blockchain industry?

A. As people spend less time outside, the local and global economies have been severely impacted. The prices of major cryptocurrencies, which are closely tied to the real economy have also dropped, and the blockchain industry has also been hit since blockchain is an achievement of financial globalization. Due to this, many blockchain projects are experiencing difficulties in fundraising, as can be seen by the significant drop in the number of new projects when compared to the previous year. The PledgeCamp company has also been affected by the CoronaVirus, but we believe blockchain itself is technology that pursues public values ​​and can overcome this difficult time. Hospitals all over the world are working hard to treat and prevent disease. To support this, the PledgeCamp project launched a medical support fundraising event on the platform launch. This is in line with the team’s policy to prioritize common values.

Q2. The commercialization of blockchain technology is an early goal and a challenge for each project. What are the current uses of overseas projects?

A. First of all, our goal is a decentralized crowdfunding market, so we can only comment on what we know. According to the survey, many traditional crowdfunding platforms, such as Kickstarter, have declared that they will not introduce blockchain technology. We have developed a funding protection mechanism based on blockchain. This is a case study for decentralized. By this year, users will witness numerous projects launching on a decentralized funding platform and will see a close combination of blockchain technology within our traditional industry.

Q3. Last year, China announced through an official announcement that it would blockchain technology to an unprecedented level, and China’s interest in blockchain has greatly increased. What differences and common points do you see between the current Chinese blockchain market and foreign markets?

A. Many countries are considering how to integrate blockchain. Due to weak regulations, numerous scam projects have emerged and have taken advantage of the market. However, in the case of China, regulations are relatively well-equipped, and the market is more focused on blockchain technology itself than the business model. As a result, a number of public chain projects were born in China, which is thought to have benefited from deregulation as the Chinese government actively implements support measures for new technologies. I think this is a good example for other countries.

Q4. Due to the Coronavirus crisis, all industries are expected to continue to suffer this year. So what are the plans for the PledgeCamp? Especially for the Chinese market.

A. The most prominent area of ​​blockchain technology is in finance. To achieve results, the most important factor is regulation. Therefore, we have been legally reviewed as a legal corporation based in the United States and Singapore and will increase the size of the platform, so people can experience the benefits of a decentralized crowdfunding platform. Through this, we will set an example for the blockchain industry, and we hope that Chinese users and crowdfunding projects will participate in the global market.


