Project Kick-Off with MetaLab

Published in
3 min readDec 3, 2018

MetaLab is a famed UX design firm with a proven record of success (Coinbase, Slack, Oculus).

Entrance to MetaLab’s headquarters in Vancouver.

This week, Pledgecamp officially kicked off our design partnership with MetaLab (

MetaLab is an interface design firm located in Victoria, British Columbia. Their clients include Google, Disney, CBS, other Fortune 500 businesses, as well as startups such as Slack. (wikipedia)

Products MetaLab designed are used by millions of people across the world, including arguably the most trusted exchange platform, Coinbase (

Eddie (President), Sam (CTO), and Darryl (UX Designer) made the trip out to Vancouver, Canada for several days of intensive collaboration around designing the Pledgecamp platform. They were joined by a team of eight on-site and virtual MetaLab designers, who will be leading the UX/UI design of the platform for the upcoming months until completion. This dedicated team will act as an extension of our team — essentially becoming a part of the Pledgecamp team.

This 6-month process began with an intensive review of all of Pledgecamp’s research and requirements to date, followed by a month of user interviews and market research. 500+ target users were interviewed and surveyed, and this data was compiled in advance of our trip in order to lay a baseline of assumptions and knowledge for us to build upon with design.

Reviewing our research and design objectives. The screen reads “Seek to grow trust”.

An important part of the process is understanding our users’ actions, thoughts, and emotions. One exercise we did was to brainstorm as much as possible around these topics and list ideas on the board with sticky notes. We would zero-in on items that kept coming up, which ideas were particularly interesting or unexpected, and which needed more exploration. For example, a backer may have the thought “how do I place a pledge?” and be confronted with an emotion of confusion. We can identify an opportunity in solving this issue, and using it to unpack a positive emotion such as excitement.

Once we reached a comprehensive understanding of one user type (such as a backer) we repeated the whole process again for the next user (the creator). It was a long, multi-day process.

Backer exploration.
Discussion at every step.
Creator exploration.
Additional explorations.
Feature proposals (plus dog).

This is just the beginning.

A vision as ambitious and game-changing as Pledgecamp’s will take months to unravel and bring to life. Fortunately, we have possibly the best design firm in the world and a full team dedicated 100% on delivering this product into the market.

Over the next few months, we will continue to share our progress on the product. We are excited to bring you behind-the-scenes looks on development and to bring you something that really stands head and shoulders above competitors.

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Thanks for reading this post, and we look forward to sharing the fruits of our labor with you soon!

The team.




Pledgecamp ushers in a new era of crowdfunding. Join us on our mission to bring opportunity and entrepreneurship to everyone.