Photo by Nick Morrison on Unsplash

Do I have to do anything special to be an investor?

Rosie Odsey
PledgeMe Australia
Published in
2 min readJun 11, 2019


There’s no exam! You don’t need to go to a government department and sit there for hours (we’re looking at you, transport department).

Can I invest?

To invest in an Australian equity crowdfunding campaign…

  • Do you have Australian citizenship OR permanent residency OR a sophisticated investor certificate?
  • Do you have current identification?
  • Do you have money?

If you said yes to all of these then YES you can invest.

Seriously, though. Do you have current identification?

We’re asking because you need two of the following:

  • A current Australian driver’s licence
  • A current Australian passport
  • A current Medicare Card
  • A birth certificate
  • A citizenship certificate (full document) issued within the last six months containing your name and residential address
  • A bank or credit card statement (full document) issued within the last six months containing your name and residential address
  • A utilities receipt (full document) issued within the last six months containing your name and residential address
  • A government-issued tax document (full document) issued within the last six months containing your name and residential address

This is required under Australia’s anti-money laundering legislation.

How much can I invest?

Each organisation has a minimum you can invest. It ranges from $200-$500.
Most people can only invest up to $10,000.
If you want to invest more than that, you have to have a sophisticated investor certificate. Accountants can issue certificates these to people who have had a gross annual income of $250,000 or more in each of the previous two years or has net assets of at least $2.5 million (as prescribed by the Corporations Regulations 2001).

What do I need to do to invest?

We have a whole recipe that you can follow here.
Remember that your investment won’t go through unless the campaign reaches its minimum amount.

Me? An investor?

Yes, you.
Check out our thoughts on becoming an equity crowdfunding investor and what it means to be an investor.
You can also see our current campaigns here.

