What a Thriving World Could Look Like

Naomi Bosch
Plentiful Lands
Published in
4 min readJan 3, 2021


Imagine you’re standing on a hilltop, looking down into a wide, lush valley.

Far, far away on the horizon, you can discern the silhouettes of mountains. But right before you, there’s a large plain sparkling with colours: the vivid green of pastures dotted by grazing animals, the lively blue of a river, the dark and shady green of forests, the silver-tone of olive groves, the golden-brown of swaying fields of wheat, the joyful palette of blooming meadows with flowers of all kinds, all interspersed by colourful houses with their bright red rooftops.

Serenity is in the air, but not silence. Birds are singing, as the sound of bells around the necks of sheep, goats and cows mingles with the chattering and laughing of people in the distance and the busy humming of bees and other insects.

The upcoming harvest will be abundant. Corn and wheat, wine and olives are waiting to be reaped along with the ever-flowing stream of milk and honey. A truly rich and blessed land this is!

Photo by Amos Bar-Zeev on Unsplash

Sharing the blessing

But it is more than just a land of natural riches. It is a land of economic prosperity, where everyone has a right to unfold their potential, to reap their harvest and to live in dignity. The people’s intimate connection with their land and their careful stewardship of it translates into wellbeing for all. And those who have more of it generously reach out to those who are less fortunate, sharing the blessing with everyone.

This wellbeing is not short-lived, as the land, which so generously and faithfully shares its riches with its people, is worked sustainably. The ecological balance naturally flows out of the reverence for life so deeply engrained in the people’s minds. A reverence for the Giver of all life, for each other and for the whole natural world sustaining us.

Ultimately, this abundance is mirrored in the people’s heart, mind, body and soul. Living in peace with their Creator, they are able to forgive freely and love generously. And not only their neighbour, but also themselves. Their heart is wide and their soul plentiful, their mind strong and their body nourished by the good fruits their land has produced for them.

Once they are old and their hair silvery grey, they look back on their life with gratitude. Like olive trees, those wise and immortal trees with silver leaves, they’ve built their life on solid ground and have produced many fruits. Once, they’ve heard someone say: “I am the vine and you are my joy. Stay connected to me!”. And they did. And like the grapevine, they’ve been a joy and a blessing in their plentiful land.

Photo by Nazar Hrabovyi on Unsplash

I’m an idealist and dreamer, I know. We might never experience fully what I’ve described above in this time.

Not yet.

A new beginning

Until one day, poverty and floods, droughts and disputes, biodiversity loss and inequality will be unheard of. Until the kingdom, which that simple carpenter in Israel talked about 2000 years ago, fully arrives among us.

But until then, we can spread bits of it everywhere around us! We can bring down heaven on earth. And that, as courageous as it sounds, is the vision of plentiful lands.

It starts small.

Photo by Gemma Evans on Unsplash
Photo by SnapbyThree MY on Unsplash
Photo by Vincent van Zalinge on Unsplash
Photo by Tim Mossholder on Unsplash

It starts in the small vegetable allotment in the backyard and in the sound of a serendipitous bumblebee. In the stretched-out hand, in the good meal shared with one another and the smile on the face. In the scent of fresh coffee in the morning and the knowledge of the fairly paid farmer. In the taste of good chocolate and in a diverse apple orchard. In errors and forgiveness. In an encouraging word and a brief prayer of thanks in the evening. In the bread and wine of the holy communion and a new start, every single day. In the song of a bird, in the rush of the wind, in the majestic forest and in the flower growing through concrete in a busy city.

It starts small, but it starts. And you and me, we can be part of this revolution of envisioning, redeeming and creating plentiful lands all around us.

I’ll start with myself. Today.

Will you join me?

Follow me here on Medium or on my blog www.plentiful-lands.com to discover how we can create plentiful lands all around us. Want to stay in touch? Subscribe to my newsletter here!

Header image from Pixabay



Naomi Bosch
Plentiful Lands

Agronomist & freelance writer spreading ideas to regenerate farming, people & the food system. 🌻 Lover of chocolate and biodiversity. 🌿plentiful-lands.com